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  1. gian1992


    Hello Rafael! I'm little bit busy with my exam period but i'm always ready for listen about new ideas! I'm writing to you a p.m. with my accounts nick!
  2. gian1992


    No You just need to download the application..i'm writing a tutorial just now
  3. gian1992


    skype id: ----
  4. gian1992


    OK! This is normal check the guide here http://milacars.com/downloads/ now you have a mail..you just need to copy the code and still work..contact me in skype if possible..i need to know what you want to customize it!
  5. gian1992


    Wait ahaha i'm still uploading it...try now...the file have the same name so delete the first one! Check also the guide...i try to donwload/install with another account and everything work fine for me EDIT: called 0.3 for avoid mistakes
  6. gian1992


    Hello! Sorry again and thank you for patience, i'm working on website and mysqli problem..i found the solution but i need some file on my desktop and i will be at home in a couple of hours! I will update you soon. I repeat, i'm alone to develop it..i do my best but i can't test it on any configuration I need to work to feature page too because some things like auto fp-filler by ivao isn't showed...i will install a forum on my site too...so i can create a bug-search/changelog page. Thankyou again!
  7. gian1992


    Version of php? The client is avaiable here: http://milacars.com/downloads/ i did install module a years ago...i need to update it to new php7...but i don't know if i must work here or wait the new phpvms 3.. while you can test the acars and help me to improve it EDIT: The problem derive from the mysqli connector...i will work on your problem tomorrow!
  8. gian1992


    I did it! For my actualy company and for easyvirtual.org but it's just a module in phpvms for example: Flight: IAA9113 Dep/Arr: OMDB/VRMM Flight Time: 03.50.17 Submit Date: 03/02/2016 Score: 75% Current Status: Accepted Errors: Online on IVAO such: IAA004* -15 % for takeoff speed: 195* Max Fuel for this trip is: 9110* -10 % for rem fuel: 12116* The target of an acars for me is to be a blackbox and give all possible information...for example: wind at T/O or Land..takeoff or landing speed. indicated airspeed when flaps are retracted...landing light switch altitude..out of runway detection refuel slew pause out of keyboard overspeed ( how many time?) ...then the company analyze it and give a score based on aircraft route condition etc. i know that some acars can make itself a score but i don't like it because if you want to change a rule you can't re-analyze all pirep...my next target is to change fs wind by the acars...for example during an exam you can set strong crosswind...now is just a complete acars...
  9. gian1992


    No due to use of Net Framework 4.5.. but the first version of MilAcars work with windows XP i will reload on my website soon! Probably i can remove some stuff and make a version for windows xp but isn't my target now, windows xp is unsupported os. I know ther's a lot of simmers on win xp but i can't use some librarys without net framework 4.5 and make my software compatible need time and a lot of coffe. I'm alone to develop it splitted between university and my hobbyes
  10. gian1992


  11. Hi guys! I have a little problem with the map, i know that is a skin problem but anyone know what it is? Tnx Gian
  12. SOLVED: there's a wrong local_config in core/ if anyone have the same problem must delete it
  13. done...nothing..it's the same...
  14. Hi guys! i've downloaded the full version from this site...but i think there is an error on it(for ex. local_config contain only "<?php") please check if this isn't only my problem
  15. @all admin... the recent exploit is very serious! Everyone of us has risked a complaint from our hostings because this bug was known! now, after this bugfix the questions: -is phpvms secure? -we must receive another attack to find another bug? i'm sure that aren't only my questions but the questions of all the community! b.r. Gian
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