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  1. Yes sir.
  2. kACARS works fine. The map isn't what it used to be, but the flights do show up on it. FSAcars does now as well.
  3. I found out something this week about FSAcars and the way it works (or doesn't) with PHPVMS v.2. If your registration number is too long, FSAcars will truncate it, and when you go to send the pirep, the registration won't match with the one in the database. As a result, it will enter a 0 as the aircraft id into the phpvms_pirep table. Since there are no aircraft with a 0 for an id, the system will nut up and that pirep will need to be edited to show the proper aircraft before it can be approved. Just something to keep in mind if you get that error. kACARS seems to work fine.
  4. Been thinking about it, but life has kept me from jumping in and doing it. I know we should have more time with the stay at home order, but in Georgia, we have still had the freedom to go camping in state parks, so being retired, we have stayed gone most of the time. Too peoply close to home.
  5. Thanks for all your help. You have gone above and beyond. I appreciate it. I think you are right about FCGI being the culprit. I had to put a directive into the NGINX config for the domain just to get the website to show anything other than the home page. I had to take it out to make the change to 5.4, and then put it back in so the site worked at all. Without that directive, when you clicked to go to another page, it would show a 502 Bad Gateway. I never gave it a thought until you said it, that that might be the problem. As for the IP's, they'll be taken care of indeed. Thanks again.
  6. Actually, I have been watching the error log, and those errors keep popping up even when I an not doing anything, so I'd say they are unrelated.
  7. I changed the entire domain to 5.4.45. After add the ' on either side of SITE_NAME, it still reverts back, but the error is gone. However, now I get different errors: 2020/05/16 17:16:14 [error] 22464#0: *16996 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/fly-twva/public_html/core/common/PIREPData.class.php on line 337" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: fly-twva.com, request: "GET /index.php/pireps/view/8937 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/php-nginx/130827955019593.sock/socket:", host: "fly-twva.com" 2020/05/16 17:16:59 [error] 22459#0: *17010 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/fly-twva/public_html/core/common/PIREPData.class.php on line 337" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: fly-twva.com, request: "GET /index.php/pireps/view/11803 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/php-nginx/130827955019593.sock/socket:", host: "fly-twva.com" 2020/05/16 17:27:51 [error] 22458#0: *17269 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/fly-twva/public_html/core/common/PIREPData.class.php on line 337" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: fly-twva.com, request: "GET /index.php/pireps/view/10683 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/php-nginx/130827955019593.sock/socket:", host: "fly-twva.com"
  8. 1. 2020/05/16 14:23:19 [error] 22463#0: *12404 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant SITE_NAME - assumed 'SITE_NAME' in /home/fly-twva/public_html/core/lang/en.lang.php on line 31" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: fly-twva.com, request: "POST /index.php/registration HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/php-nginx/130827955019593.sock/socket:", host: "fly-twva.com", referrer: "https://fly-twva.com/index.php/registration" 2020/05/16 14:23:22 [error] 22459#0: *12372 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP Notice: Constant SITE_ROOT already defined in /home/fly-twva/public_html/core/codon.config.php on line 46 PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant SITE_NAME - assumed 'SITE_NAME' in /home/fly-twva/public_html/core/lang/en.lang.php on line 31" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: fly-twva.com, request: "GET //action.php/acars/data?_=1589667655773 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/php-nginx/130827955019593.sock/socket:", host: "fly-twva.com", referrer: "https://fly-twva.com/index.php/acars" 2020/05/16 14:23:27 [error] 22458#0: *12408 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant SITE_NAME - assumed 'SITE_NAME' in /home/fly-twva/public_html/core/lang/en.lang.php on line 31" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: fly-twva.com, request: "GET /index.php/pireps/view/15922 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/php-nginx/130827955019593.sock/socket:", host: "fly-twva.com" 2. Warnings, but no errors. 3. No 4. MySQL version 5.5.60 Not sure how much of the errors log you need, but I tried to take what looked like it wasn't repeated.
  9. It does the same thing with Crystal.
  10. I finally got it switched to PHP 5.4.45, but still have the same problem.
  11. Original install from a few years ago. I think it started with PHP 5.4 or so, and has been upgraded once or twice. I thought it had been working as no one had complained until now. Maybe not, though.
  12. phpVMS version 2.1.936 PHP version 7.133 MySQL version 5.5.60 Nginx Server When submitting the registration form it just takes me back to the form, no errors shown or anything, and the user isn't created.
  13. Was this ever solved? I am having that problem now.
  14. You are right, sir. You are not obligated to do so, but why then would you offer a support forum. So people can ask questions to which they will never receive an answer? I am sorry I offended you, I just wanted some help.
  15. Thank you for responding, David. I'm not sure why you would expect backlash. All I wanted was someone to at least respond, and let us know that you are at least aware of some of us experiencing this problem, and try to point me in some direction to look. You have done that and I am grateful. Again, I want to say that I am NOT calling anyone or any group unprofessional. That is uncalled for and I am sorry that some at least took it that way. I merely meant that the act, if you will, of not responding for a month and a half, to a post in a SUPPORT forum, is unprofessional. The act, not the person. But obviously, I have offended some, and for that I apologize. As for the issue, the website in question is on a friend's server to which I have access. I did not use overrides, I have set the memory allocation in the php.ini file directly. The server is showing 2GB of memory and 1GB of virtual. That should be sufficient I would think. The thing that puzzles me is that flyalaska has more pireps in his db and sets his memory to a lower setting and has no problems. I consider myself a novice at php but I am learning, and I will take a look now that I know where to look. I also have a friend who is a professional developer and I will try to get some advice from him. Thanks again' Brian
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