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Everything posted by fihmany

  1. it right to me on the register the following line Warning: file_exists(): File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): /customers/8/1/4/oneskyvirtual.com/httpd.www//lib/skins/crystal/ some help
  2. I'm trying to make a standart page in the PHPVMS and I need the template for the page in PHP
  3. i need the code for a page in the PHPVMS
  4. somebody can give me a PHP code for standart page in the PHPVMS
  5. problem after registration i see the message Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_var() in /var/www/vhosts/rodoy.digitalns.org/httpdocs/phpvms.full/core/modules/Registration/Registration.php on line 206
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