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Everything posted by piper338

  1. Thanks for that, but any idea on how I could have the pages format correctly without have to make a copy of every single .tpl and put it in the skin folder and surround the .tpl code with those divs? Right now if I don't edit every .tpl the content sits on top of the footer and some of it is outside the content area. *here is an example of what happens if I don't edit each individual .tpl http://projectchad.com/index.php/Schedules
  2. well, I kind of solved my problem.... not the way I would have liked. I have to copy each tpl file into my skin and then put this around the tpl code is there another way to do this? <div id="page"> <!-- #columns: holds the columns of the page --> <div id="columns" class="widthPad"> <!-- Left column --> <div class="floatLeft width73"> **** .tpl stuff here**** <div id="sidebar"> </div> </div> <!-- Left column end --> <!-- Right link column --> <?php if($_GET['module'] == 'frontpage') { ?> <div class="floatRight width25 lightBlueBg horzPad"> <h3>Recent Reports</h3> <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> <h3>Newest Pilots</h3> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- Right links column end --> </div> <!-- #columns end --> </div> <!-- #page end --> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <!-- #content end -->
  3. Howdy, I'm just messing around with phpVMS now and I love it, could someone help me figure out with all the content is aligned at the bottom of my page? Does it have something to do with the mainbox? I'm going to keep playing with it myself but I am new to this stuff. http://projectchad.com Thanks, Chad C.
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