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  1. Should work now.
  2. We’re thrilled to announce that the Microsoft Flight Beta is scheduled to kick-off in January 2012 and we are now accepting applications to participate in the beta program. We will be sorting through your applications over the coming month and will get back to qualifying participants with additional details throughout our beta phases in January. As we taxi for takeoff, we will continue to provide intriguing updates about the future of Microsoft Flight so please keep checking in on our website or on our Facebook Fan Page. Fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their upright and locked positions, and get ready for Microsoft Flight to takeoff! The Microsoft Flight Team http://www.microsoft.com/games/flight/#news-beta_program_accepting_applications
  3. Can you add it to your php.ini?
  4. No charts are displayed for any airports in the schdule briefing, so I modified the code to display charts found in the database. If no charts are found it will display the default link for airnav.com plus the message "No local charts found, try - [airnavlink]". You can see it here: http://www.flybritair.com/index.php/schedules/brief/1 You have to edit schedule_briefing.tpl Replace: <table width="98%" align="center"> <tr style="background-color: #333; color: #FFF;"> <td>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->depicao?></td> <td>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->arricao?></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <a href="http://www.airnav.com/airport/<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>#ifr" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>/APD/AIRPORT+DIAGRAM/png" width="387px" height="594px" alt="No chart available" /></a> </td> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <a href="http://www.airnav.com/airport/<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>#ifr" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>/APD/AIRPORT+DIAGRAM/png" width="387px" height="594px" alt="No chart available" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> With: <table width="98%" align="center"> <tr style="background-color: #333; color: #FFF;"> <td>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->depicao?></td> <td>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->arricao?></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <?php //Check local charts $query_charts_dep = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM charts WHERE icao='".$schedule->depicao."'"); if (mysql_num_rows($query_charts_dep) == 0) { echo 'No local charts found, try - <a href="http://www.airnav.com/airport/'.$schedule->depicao.'#ifr" target="_blank">here</a>.'; } while ($charts_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_charts_dep)) { echo '<a href="'.$charts_results['link'].'">'.$charts_results['name'].'</a><br />'; } ?> </td> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <?php //Check local charts $query_charts_arr = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM charts WHERE icao='".$schedule->arricao."'"); if (mysql_num_rows($query_charts_arr) == 0) { echo 'No local charts found, try - <a href="http://www.airnav.com/airport/'.$schedule->arricao.'#ifr" target="_blank">here</a>.'; } while ($charts_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_charts_arr)) { echo '<a href="'.$charts_results['link'].'">'.$charts_results['name'].'</a><br />'; } ?> </td> </tr> </table>
  5. That fixed it. Thanks, I can now get on with the remainder of shedule's.
  6. Thanks Josh.
  7. thanks
  8. Ok, thank you. Will download it shortly. Thanks again. --- Where do I download it from? Had a look on fs-products
  9. http://uk.flightaware.com/live/flight/BAW283/history/20111103/1020Z/EGLL/KLAX HML J107 HEC RIIVR2 Why does the above route from flightaware display like this on the route map? http://www.flybritair.com/index.php/schedules/details/11
  10. For Kacars charts, the charts need to be in png format. I was hoping that someone may know if there is a collection of uk/eu/us charts in png format readily available? Thank you.
  11. Check the url of the images hosted on your server/imageshack, link and display correctly when visiting the url directly. Once this is done, check the source code on the page where the award images are supposed to be displayed and look for any differences in the source url. This should allow you to see if the link is being outputted correctly.
  12. Would it not be better to host the award images on the same server as your main website?
  13. Core2Quad Q9550 @ 3.6Ghz 4GB Ram Asus P5Q-SE GTX 460 1GB Multiple Sata HD Win 7 premium 64 Bit
  14. Thank you for the replies. I manage my own servers, so I'm sorted there.
  15. Hi guys, On my own, I've started to setup my own VA website (it's a fictional airline) and I have also managed a re-paint on the PMDG MD-11. I'm from the UK and the UK will be the base of operations. I've set up 28 airports in PHPVMS and will schedule flights to and from Heathrow & Gatwick to these popular destinations around the world. I have a couple of question's I'd like to ask you guys, if your willing to help. 1) Flight Plans. I'm currently using "asalink" free route finder to plot the route for a schedule. Is this actually necessary to do? How many of your pilots actually follow the route you provide? 2) Fleet. I'm currently thinking of using the MD-11, 747, 737 from PMDG and will also try a re-paint of the stock 737/747 (as not all pilots will own pmdg aircraft). In all that is 3 aircraft. I've come across a multitude of VA websites that have multiple of the same Aircraft with different registrations. I've only seen one VA that doesn't do this. I would like to know why this is? 3) Working out Flight Time. What is the best way to work out the flight time between destinations. I've managed to do two (EGLL->EDDM and EDDM->EGLL), which was simple enough as I was able to find a similiar flight on Heathrow's website. 4) How do I get the actual route flown to display on the pirep map. My navdata table is empty. Do I need to add the contents navdata.sql to it? Also in the github link "https://github.com/nshahzad/phpvms_navdata" it says to download some files and put them in the FAA folder but I can't seem to locate that folder. Once this is done, will existing pireps show the route instead of a straight line? 5) Is it possible to show the route being flown on the live maps too? Thanks in advance for any responses.
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