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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Thomas


    Anyone got a download for this? Would like to install it on our site again. Thanks
  2. Done it a different way... rolled back the entire server files (apart from databases) to yesterday. Dont know why I didnt do that in the first place. Thank youfor the help Parviz
  3. Didn't work. Also I can't do anything with the schedules. It just says No Route Passed when I add to bid. Everything doesnt work properly. Not sure why but really frustrating me now. Thomas.
  4. Hi Guys, Can only see white pages? http://buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/index.php/pages/partners - Just had to do a full re-upload of the site after someone decided to hack into it although didn't do anything to the databases. I've re-uploaded and uploaded them again but nothing works. Also the ACARS Map isn't showing. Can someone help? Been bashing my head against the wall for the past 3 hours. Thomas.
  5. I would also like to know this too please. Anyone?
  6. See this post Daniel; http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6970-server-overloaded-account-suspended/page__view__findpost__p__46403
  7. Something else I've noticed, all pilots are showing 0 flights? http://buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/index.php/pilots
  8. Will have another look but like I say, there is no errors being picked up anywhere else, only by the beta version of phpvms. Something else I noticed on the cron job... php -f /var/www/vhosts/buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/httpdocs/admin/maintenance.php Why is it pointing to the httpdocs folder? Is there anywhere I can change this as the link should be: php -f /var/www/vhosts/buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/admin/maintenance.php
  9. Have read them Nabeel. Never got any errors during the previous (stable) version of phpvms. Any fixes for the other 2 errors? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6970-server-overloaded-account-suspended/page__view__findpost__p__46550
  10. Already done this Jeff, still get the errors. Have done, image attached.
  11. Hi Nabeel, Seem to of fixed the Schedules error. Still have a couple though: 1) When I click on a pilot in the admin panel then go to Pilot Groups > Add To Group > It takes me directly to the script? (img1 attached) 2) When I go to change the 'Default User Group' in the admin panel - general options, I select the different group, click save and it gives me confirmation that my settings have been changed but they are still getting added to Active Pilots when I changed the default group to Inactive Pilots 3) On the front page, the BFL Statistics section, the total hours seems to be in time mode? (img3 attached) I did notice too that once I do the checkinstall.php I get these errors... [Checksum failed] /core/common/ActivityData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/templates/activity_list.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/templates/pireps_airportdropdown.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/modules/Activity/Activity.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/vendors/orm/paris.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date Appreciate the help guys.
  12. Thanks Joeri. So any idea how I can resolve these issues? Would like to get the site back up and running ASAP.
  13. Right guys, another couple of error's were having since the switch over... Number 1 happens when importing schedules or adding them manually... BFL9082 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' BFL9083 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' BFL9084 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' BFL9085 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' The import process is complete, added 0 schedules, updated 4, for a total of 0 Number 2 happens on BFL ACARS (kacars)... NOTIFY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR OF THE SWITCH ERROR DATA NOT RECIEVED SWITCH = VERIFY Please help
  14. Thomas

    HubStats Class

    Cheers mate
  15. Thomas

    HubStats Class

    Hi Tom, Don't suppose you still have the full php code do you please? I can't download it from the original post and really need it for my site as we were running it before. Thanks, Thomas.
  16. Site sorted guys. Thank you very much for the help and replys! Lets hope this never happens again.
  17. So what about fivedev then? Will I have enough bandwith and storage space? To give you an idea, I used about 300GB Bandwith one month, yes the site does get a lot of hits, no exageration.
  18. Max users is 20 per database at a time.
  19. So how exactly can I cut down the traffic? Bearing in mind I've been running the database about 2 years and this is the first time i've had this problem and never had to do anything like this before. I've asked and will post the reply when they respond. Appreciate the help guys
  20. Have about 600 schedules too.
  21. www.eclipse2000hosting.com 1 Airline, Over 330 Pilots, Over 11000 PIREPS - At least 50 submitted in a day. I will optimise the database tables and also upgrade to the latest beta, Will reply here in about 30 minutes once everything is done. Thomas.
  22. This was the error seen on the website just before everything went ti** up! Fatal error: Uncaught Last Error --[user flythere_bufmain already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections (1203)] [] thrown in /home/flythere/public_html/buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99
  23. Tom; Yes, That's exactly my thought! Will give the optimisation a go. Thank you! Kyle; The addons I use are Top Pilot, Pilot Manager, Hub Stats, Status Badges, Events & Tours. Probably one or two more but I can't remember. Thomas.
  24. I've been running phpvms for about 2 years now for Buffalo Airways Virtual, last week our account was suspended as we were using over 25% of the RAM on the whole server! The web host said that there may be too many querys going to the database, the database for phpvms is over 170mb! What would I have to do to disable some querys? Would compressing and re-indexing the database make us use less of the server? If yes, do you know how I can do this? This is the first time we have used over our 5% allocated RAM space in 2 years. Really hope you can help me with this, I've looked high and low for answers and having no luck, I really want to get the website back up and running for our pilots more than anything. Thomas.
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