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Everything posted by euroglide-lee

  1. hi jacob sorry to hear that m8 i hope he returns very soon safe and well give him our best wishes
  2. thanks for the message and although i appreciate the weather situation i live in kent uk and also been hit hard with the bad snow so i understand but i do feel this is yet another attempt to stall we was told we would have it before xmas just some bugs needed ironing out its now the 8th of janurary and still nothing and im not the only one having this problem im not aiming this solely at bryan but i think if people cant do what they say they can then dont offer then there wouldnt be this problem but thanks for the update much appreciated
  3. why lock the post i think all us people that have paid good money for a service as got a right to know whats going on and if email and pm was an option dont you think we would be using them if i was a moderator instead of locking the post my first concern would be help find and rule out any possible fraudulent behaviour or is it remotely possible that you know him well and know whats going on and this is a good way to shut us all up rather than expose anything if im wrong then please accept my apologies and try helping us rather than shut us up thanks
  4. hey brian site is looking good shame you cant do as good a job with the pages you have been paid to do
  5. ok still waiting to be added to msn brian i cant be on msn anymore than i am already so i suggest you pm me instaed to let me know whats going on
  6. brian thanks for your reply as you can see from my first post i was not accusing you of anything whatsoever was just trying to find out what was happaning and if anyone had seen you im sorry i seem to have opened a can of worms for you that wasnt the intention and i respect you are busy but at least you have given me a good reason as to what the problems are but may i suggest you add me to your msn so we can talk a bit more about it as markus is very hot headed at the moment so it might be a good idea to chat to me first regards lee
  7. hi there was wondering if anyone has seen brian aka cableguy he was doing a website for us which we paid for but has seemed to have gone missing since if anyone knows his whereabouts please can you let me know as im trying to find out whats going on and if we are ever going to see the website or our money ever again thanks in advance
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