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Everything posted by Cessna1234

  1. Thanks
  2. Hey Guys i am wondering how i can add on a Module for the front page that displays current Zulu time. Any suggestions? Skylar
  3. That was the error thank you so much
  4. Let me explain to you the steps i did. All this folders went into the core/.... 1) i put TouchdpwnStatsData.class in the common folder 2)I put the Touchdown Stats folder in the Module folder 3)put touchdownstats_index.tpl in the template folder Did i do this right?
  5. Okay i got it all installed but i get this error: Notice: The template file "/hermes/web07d/b593/pow.bostonexpressvaorg/htdocs/phpvms.full//core/templates/touchdownstats/touchdownstats_index.tpl" doesn't exist in /hermes/web07d/b593/pow.bostonexpressvaorg/htdocs/phpvms.full/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Can you explain how to fix?
  6. How can i add the top landing rates to my website? I can't find the module in my Core/modules. Any suggestions? Thanks, Skylar
  7. What do you mean?
  8. Hi guys. I know there are tons of topics on Award images in the pilot Center, but when i try to past the code into the pilot_main.tpl and save it it doesn't work. this is the code i past- <p> <strong>Mis Medallas</strong><br /> <?php if(!$allawards) { echo 'No awards yet'; } else { ?> <ul> <?php foreach($allawards as $award){ ?> <li><?php echo $award->name ?><img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /></li> <?php } ?> I click save and when i go to my pilot center i see the image, but when i go to view another pilot i dont see the image there for the award. I dont know if you can view this link but this is what i see. http://www.bostonexpressva.org/index.php/profile/view/12 Basically i see where the image is suppose to go like the box with a piece of paper and some color in it. So if some one could help me on how i can get the correct code so that under the awards sectioin on every pilot the award image appears. Thanks, Skylar
  9. In Terms of ID what do you mean
  10. Well if you could please read you will understand that Boston Virtual ATC is not just a place to go fly GPS i have been with VATSIM for 6 years and have seen the difference and with in the ATC world and training on BVA is way more professional and interms of pilots we actually train them to fly without GPS only with charts! So please take another look - http://bostonvirtualatc.com/dnn/home.aspx
  11. Greetings all, As many of you know VATSIM is a huge network filled with lots of great controllers and Pilots who love the hobby of Flight Sim. Well most of you don't know is there is an equivalent type of server like VATSIM called Boston Virtual ATC (link http://www.bostonvirtualatc.com) so check it out it is really great during off peak hours and peak hours. During BVA events we could see roughly the same amount of traffic as VATSIM. So take a look at the link If you decided to join in the comment or remarks section please say that CEO -Skylar Richardson from Boston Express VA told me about BVA(just will make our new va a little better). So just to get that out of the way i have created one of BVA's first Virtual Airlines called Boston Express Virtual Airlines. take a look - http://www.bostonexpressva.org/ If you are interested please feel free to join and check out the VA then if you still are interested i highly suggest you join BVA(Boston Virtual ATC) If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me - ceo@bostonexpressva.org Also if you have some dedicated time i am currently hiring staff position, if you are interested go to About Us/Our Staff and see which available position that is open fits you best and email me. Thank you for the time! Blue Skies and Smooth Landing!!!! Skylar Richardson CEO Be.V
  12. Do you know is there somewhere in like the phpvms folder in the FTP where i can change the Hub Managers right to all Admin rights so Hub Managers can view and edit everything and go from there? Or maybe in MySQL i am using POWWEB?
  13. Umm where would the DB be at?
  14. Cessna1234


    Hi again well i really screwed up now. I accidentally deleted my Admin privileges and put in Hub Managers Privileges in the Admin section of phpvms is there some way to change this or do i need to start all over? Thanks, Skylar
  15. So would this be correct:??? <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { echo 'You must be logged in to view this page!'; return; <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/edit'); ?>">Edit Profile</a> } ?> Thanks, Skylar
  16. Hi all i have been trying to find how you are able to let pilots who are logged in verses pilots who are logged out while seeing certain options on the navigation bar. I know how you can set a tab so either logged in pilots can see for exaplme: { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/registration'); ?>">Join</a></li> <?php ?> but say i want a tab to be view able to logged out people, but i don't want them to see some of the drop down options. Let me show you an explame: (this is the operations tab with drop down) <!--2nd drop down menu --> <div id="dropmenu2" class="dropmenudiv" style="width: 150px;"> <a href="http://www.bostonexpressva.org/index.php/pilots">Pilot Roster</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/edit'); ?>">Edit Profile</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/mine'); ?>">Logbook</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/stats'); ?>">Statistics</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep'); ?>">File Report</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">Statistics</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">Flight Log</a> </div> but i wan tall of this to be not view able to logged out pilots only logged in! <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/edit'); ?>">Edit Profile</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/mine'); ?>">Logbook</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/stats'); ?>">Statistics</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep'); ?>">File Report</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">Statistics</a> <a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">Flight Log</a> </div> The only thing i want view able is the <a href="http://www.bostonexpressva.org/index.php/pilots">Pilot Roster</a> Thanks,Skylar
  17. Okay i got it to work except now if you visit my page you will see all these questions marks on the home page whats that about? And when i click on a pilots profile i get the following message or error - Notice: The template file "/hermes/web07d/b593/pow.bostonexpressvaorg/htdocs/phpvms//core/templates/pilot_public_profile.tpl" doesn't exist in /hermes/web07d/b593/pow.bostonexpressvaorg/htdocs/phpvms/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248. I have the file pilot_public_profile.tpl but when i go to the directory that it tells me to go i get lost at classes, what i mean by lost is there is nothing that has TemplateSet.class.php. can you also help me out on that question too? Thanks, Skylar
  18. I put this forum post in the General Support forum on accident, didn't realize there was a skinning forum. I have downloaded the skin created by Nick Tyson, link http://vairline.org/ and when i go to edit the weblogo and the banner it doesn't update it just stays the same. Here is what i am doing i am going to the in the FTP under lib/skins/vairline/img i am getting the banner.png and editing it then replacing it back into the folder img, same with the weblogo, and it is still showing the default images to the skin. How come it doesn't up date? Thanks, Skylar
  19. I have downloaded the skin created by Nick Tyson, link http://vairline.org/ and when i go to edit the weblogo and the banner it doesn't update it just stays the same. Here is what i am doing i am going to the in the FTP under lib/skins/vairline/img i am getting the banner.png and editing it then replacing it back into the folder img, same with the weblogo, and it is still showing the default images to the skin. How come it doesn't up date?
  20. OKay awesome thanks, and one last thing under the awards in the actual pilot center the image isnt displaying.
  21. Okay cool well i am not very web techy as you can see but this template that i found created by Nick Tyson is very awesome i think better than the Crystal....But i have no idea how to install the new template i read the docs but it doesn help me much. Here is the Template - http://vairline.org/. So how can i install this to my my default template?
  22. The Hero thank you so much...I am i have other question but its not regarding the awards should i ask it here or create another post?
  23. Hi again, i have looked at all the help/support forums on upload award images and they all seem not to be my problem. I have created a folder "awards" in the lib/image and put my award image and when i go into the admin panel pilots and groups click on awards, then click add award i put in the Name, description, and then the Path or URL, which is www.bostonexpressva.org/htdocs/phpvms/lib/images/awards/Bronze_Landing.jpg and when i click add award there is no image it is only like a error type image which looks like a piece of paper with white, blue, and red and a cut through it. Am i doing something wrong? This is what another forum post said but it isn't working for me.
  24. Yes i have done that except when i do that it doesnt change to BEV004 it stays at 123 but the last 4 numbers change ex. 1231234 or 1231467. I tried to email you but it was un-deliverable so this is wha i said - Hello Thank you for the response via the forum. When I do this and type BEV004 or BEV001 it wont work it still stays the same as 123, I also have a couple more questions about phpvms, so if email isn’t good for you, you can also reach me on skype – skylar.richardson or if you have TS3 address no password. Hope to hear the solution from you soon!
  25. Well i finally got phpvms installed and currently working on a new template. But first i have registered but it has my callsign or pilot ID as 123001, why can't i get it to be BEV001 (BEV is the airline identifier)? Thanks, Skylar
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