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  1. When i click on logout i get this Message: And upon logging in i recieve this error message: Any ideas?
  2. Not a bad choice. I mean it is nice to work off PHPVMS but it doesn't offer all the features i want either.
  3. Looks awesome! Good Job!
  4. From what i heard from 2 different people that work at Westjet said i will be fine as long as do not sell anything.
  5. I have contacted Westjet about permissions and they said i was fine as long as its not for commercial use.
  6. I agree, the colors are just all out of whack. Their is Black Blue Red Orange, almost like a Christmas Tree! I suggest before opening up your doors you should add a new banner with maybe an aircraft on it and switch up the skin a little bit so its not so evident that you are using Obsess Blue. Best of luck to you.
  7. I Don't know. You tell me, This is what they sent me: Thank you very much for contacting United Customer Care. I apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail. Since Customer Care primarily handles past date issues, please visit our website united.com then follow these steps: Home > About United > Company information > Supplier information From this page towards the end of the paragraph you will see a Supplier Contact Form. Please fill this out and someone will be in touch. http://www.united.com/page/article/0,6867,50127,00.html I hope this information is helpful. Thank you for selecting United.
  8. Kyle, The Hawaiian one wasn't my fault. I got shut down by them and i called them on the same day which if you ask me was kind of comical. I did contact United Airlines, and they have emailed me back with some pointless email. I am guessing that they don't know what a virtual airline is. I have called 3-5 times trying to get transferred to someone that knows what they were doing and all else failed. I talked with my hosting company (TFDi) and they said i should be fine as long as i have all the necessarily foot notes in place, I appreciate your help and suggestions. -Austin.
  9. Fly United Virtual began planning for future opperation's on Thursday January 12, 2012. We began creating our custom ranking structure along with our fleet on the Friday Janaury 13, 2012. We will never give any checkrides or exams to fly a plane here at Fly United Virtual. "Where Ever We Fly, We Fly United." We have included all star alliance routes, and all of them are fairly accurate. We are looking for active staff and some active pilots. We hope that you enjoy Fly United just as much as we do here. You can find us at http://www.flyunitedvirtual.org/ And i know that you all are going to say " Oh! He stole the other United's Skin!" Well guess what? I HAD PERMISSION FROM THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF THE SKIN. Y'all have a good day now. -- Thanks Austin Thieman Fly United CEO ceo@flyunitedvirtual.org http://www.flyunitedvirtual.org
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