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Posts posted by Taran

  1. I am pleased to announce the release of Southwest Virtual Airlines!

    We will be operating as the new Southwest combined with Airtran (after merger operations).

    Southwest Virtual Airlines was started in 2014. We have taken this airline to the next level by operating through VAFinancials (VAFS). This system is as real as it gets. We operate multiple aircraft and have 14 crew bases spread out around the USA, with our main HUB being Dallas, TX (KDAL). With vSWA you are family, not just a pilot. We simulate the real world operations of Southwest Airlines but we are in no way affiliated with SWA.

    We currently have staff positions open and need to fill these positions ASAP! To apply please e-mail us at: vasouthwest@gmail.com

    Please visit our website to keep an eye on our countdown to grand opening: Click here

    Positions Available:

    COO- Chief Operating Officer

    DHR- Director of Human Resources

    CFO- Chief Financial Officer

    EC- Events Coordinator

    Western Region Director- KLAX, KLAS, KOAK, KPHX, KSAN

    Central Region Director- KDAL, KIAH, KMDW, KDEN, KSTL

    Eastern Region Director- KBWI, KBNA, KATL, KMCO

  2. Where does this go?

    /** ==================VVVV Checking Current logged in user VVVV================== **/
    $acarsdata = ACARSData::GetACARSData();
    if($acarsdata != null || !empty($acarsdata)){
    foreach($acarsdata as $acars){
    if($acars->pilotid == Auth::$userinfo->pilotid){
    echo '<br />You are currently in a flight!';
    echo '<br />Status: '.$acars->phasedetail;
    //echo '<br />Departure: '.$acars->depicao.' ';//.$acars->depname;
    //echo '<br />Arrival: '.$acars->arricao.' ';//.$acars->arrname;
    echo '<br />'.$acars->depicao .' -> '. $acars->arricao;
    $totalDistance = OperationsData::getAirportDistance($acars->depicao, $acars->arricao);
    $remainingDistance = $acars->distremain;
    $precent = ($remainingDistance/$totalDistance)*100; // Counts down precentage. 100%, 99%, 98%, etc...
    $precent = abs($precent-100); // Counts up precentage. 0%, 1%, 2%, etc...
    echo '<br />Precentage: ' . round($precent) . '%';
    echo '<br />You are NOT currently in a flight!';
    echo '<br />You are NOT currently in a flight!';
    /** ==================^^^^ Checking Current logged in user ^^^^================== **/
    /** ===================================VVVV Pilot Public Profile dot tee pee elle VVVV============================= **/
    $acarsdata = ACARSData::GetACARSData();
    if($acarsdata != null || !empty($acarsdata)){
    foreach($acarsdata as $acars){
    if($acars->pilotid == $pilot->pilotid){
    echo '<br />Pilot is currently in a flight!';
    echo '<br />Status: '.$acars->phasedetail;
    //echo '<br />Departure: '.$acars->depicao.' ';//.$acars->depname;
    //echo '<br />Arrival: '.$acars->arricao.' ';//.$acars->arrname;
    echo '<br />'.$acars->depicao .' -> '. $acars->arricao;
    $totalDistance = OperationsData::getAirportDistance($acars->depicao, $acars->arricao);
    $remainingDistance = $acars->distremain;
    $precent = ($remainingDistance/$totalDistance)*100; // Counts down precentage. 100%, 99%, 98%, etc...
    $precent = abs($precent-100); // Counts up precentage. 0%, 1%, 2%, etc...
    echo '<br />Precentage: ' . round($precent) . '%';
    echo '<br />Pilot is NOT currently in a flight!';
    echo '<br />Pilot is NOT currently in a flight!';
    /** ===================================^^^^ Pilot Public Profile dot tee pee elle ^^^^============================= **/

  3. Hey guys,

    I'm looking to join a well developed or developing VA.


    Extensive fleet and must have MD-90, B738, ERJ135/145, B757s

    Active teamspeak with fellow pilots usually in there at any given time during the day

    Tour system

    Friendly staff

    A place where I'm Taran, not a number

    Post on here with your advertisement, and the one I feel is best for me I'll join and announce my new 2nd home!

    Thank You,


  4. Victor Virtual Airlines has a great staff and pilot status. Also are now a P1 rated VATSIM ATO Certified.

    Unfortunately as time and money decrease, I have to step down from CEO.

    You will be required to take over the payments for the website ($10/month) through eleven2.com web hosting. I will maintain the TeamSpeak3 payments.

    A link to our website: http://www.victorvirtual.org/

    If you wish to be the CEO of this great VA please PM me

  5. Ok, it appears that it's not calculating correctly at all by month. It just reduced the numbers but I can't tell exactly what it's calculating. At the start of February UTC time it should have reset to 0 for all, but did not. Any ideas?

  6. I hate to ask for more, but is there a way to get the data from only ACCEPTED PIREPs and have it ignore the data from rejected PIREPs? right now we have completely delete the rejected pireps for the data to stay correct.

  7. Would this be it? I highly doubt it, but it's worth a shot?

    public static function TotalCargoBetweenDates($icao, $startdate, $enddate) { //Count total cargo
    $query = "SELECT SUM(cargo) as hours FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE depicao = '$icao' OR arricao = '$icao' AND DATE(submitdate) >= '$startdate' AND DATE(submitdate) <= '$enddate'";
    $result = DB::get_row($query);
    return $result->cargo;

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