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  1. I know in the past I've had problems with my reliability since Sandy hit us, but now I beleive I can pick up on my hosting again... 24/7 Free ts servers I have about 8 left first come first serve (If you hear that i just closed them without warning, thats because i would come home to my modem not working right but I did have thhem running from 2012 of March to 2012 of November with no problems..) Skype: thebeastt9 Email: thebeastt2010@hotmail.com
  2. please pm or skype me(skype perferred)
  3. msg me on here or on skype
  4. @ last person who posted... All on one ip or you can make your own ts.yourvirtualairline.org/.com/.net and Teamspeaks are still easy to come by here! Just post or add me on skype to get one.. 24/7!
  5. About 6
  6. Happy Holidays everyone! Need a teamspeak? Email me @ thebeastt2010@hotmail.com and/or skype: thebeastt. Please plan to stay active and if your a new airline/group just let me know so i dont think your under using it. Hope to host you soon, Beastt(Jimmy)
  7. Still have some more to spare!
  8. 4 left
  9. Got your email, is there any way you can get on when I'm on so I can give you the server?...
  10. Because, Its my server(in my house), and I've been running these since April and haven't had any intention of closing them. The only time they are off is for maintence, but I usually do that around 12:00 AM EST. Where no one is on them.. The only time that you might have no teamspeak is every summer i go away for a week or two, it will be off then, but you dont have to worry about that until next July...
  11. Hey, I'm posting back again! Remember me back from a few months ago, I have great teamspeak service and many happy airline owners. 24/7 Teamspeaks are available now! I have 6 to give out, if your paying for one, and want a free one for same quality just let me know. Rules: 1. No messing with the max. slots. If you need more just let me know. 2. Must be somewhat active. 3. Must have skype! 4. Must be active on skype, if I ever need to contact you. MY SKYPE:thebeastt9(most active on there) EMAIL:thebeastt2010@Hotmail.com(check it every night or so) Or just comment on here, reply might not be as fast... Hope you are intrested! -Jimmy
  12. 1 server left... beback at 8:30 pm est
  13. No problem
  14. Can't delete it, Greatly appreciated if a mod can move it to Paid Services Thanks!
  15. ^read my reply I'll repost it if I can delete it.
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