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Posts posted by Gkiller

  1. i have done that but still not working also i cant file a flight its not working now this software is s*** i was going to donate some money but i cant see why i should because none of it works its one thing after another

  2. Thanks for the update its working now but in the admin my General setting is not working its coming up with

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method Settings::renderTemplate() in /customers/cabairvirtual.com/cabairvirtual.com/httpd.www/admin/modules/Settings/Settings.php on line 258

    Can you help me fix it


  3. i keep on getting this in my admin on my site

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /customers/cabairvirtual.com/cabairvirtual.com/httpd.www/core/lib/pchart/pChart.class.php on line 476

    How do i fix it


  4. right where do i start "ok" when i member as reg with the site and picked there airline, let say they want to change there airline and they ask admin to do this. when i go to there profile and change it and then save changes it say update done. But when i look at there profile it has not change.

    I think that the way to explan it. What can i do to sort this out and get it working again

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