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    United States
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    Software Development, Flying, Family & Friends!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Also, There is a password on your teamspeak.
  2. There are many constructive manners when it comes to the acars. I will shoot on your teamspeak later and talk with you.
  3. If you look at the prior code, You will notice the '!' before Auth. The ! means NOT. So what I did was just remove that, So if the user is logged in, Do this. <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they have logged in. ?> Your Content Goes Here <?php } ?>
  4. Hello phpVMS, Well for quite some time, I've been larking the phpVMS community along with several others. I've been doing personal/private development for several virtual airline(s), But I have decided to expand my services to the public. Essentially I understand that Virtual Airlines are 'non for profit', Therefore it's understandable to not charge much for a virtual airline service. So what I am offering is my service(s) towards to the phpVMS community and expanding areas. I have a list below of what I can do; Custom Module Development (PHP/MySQL) Custom Acars Applications Custom Website Design Premade Website Development Search Engine Optimization Integration Services phpVMS Installs and configurations Auto installer Creation If you are interested in any of my services, Feel free to shoot me a PM and we can begin from there. I will update this thread once the Website is online.
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