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Everything posted by Toni

  1. Toni

    Skin Easy Airways

    The template is not completely finished and I have to delete to publish as much code has supplements. Coming with a free will realize a similar design to thank for this forum.
  2. Estoy trabajando en mejorar mi plantilla para la una mejor carga y compatibilidad con los navegadores. ¿Podriais probarla y notificarme si veis algun error o alguna sugerencia para mejorarla?. Muchas gracias podeis probarla con los siguientes datos: cuenta: 44 Password: demotest I'm working on improving my template for better loading and compatibility with most browsers. Could you try and notify me if you see any errors or suggestions for improvement? Thank you very much you can try with the following data: account: 44 Password: demotest http://pruebas.easyairways.es
  3. I like many buttons that you post, but I would put more content. example, profile options, flight operations, flying past. This is my pilot center to give you an idea.
  4. Sorry if I bothered to post here, I thought that talking about the same subject. My English is limited and could confuse me.
  5. I also redesigned my site and I hope you like it http://easyairways.es
  6. We present a new skin for the airline and open the door to new Spanish-speaking Pilots. I would like to thank all members of the forum with your comments have helped us to give this result http://easyairways.es Queremos presentar el nuevo skin de la aerolinea y abre las puertas a nuevos pilotos de habla hispana. Quisiera dar las gracias a todos los miembros del foro, que con sus comentarios nos han ayudado a darle este resultado. http://easyairways.es
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