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Everything posted by EZE0176

  1. Nabeel, Here is the CORRECT scenario... 1) at the FSAcars screen... Flight Log|Acars Messages|Flight/Planes Data|Flight Plan|Information browser 2) Aircraft Type pulldown. We have multiple Saabs and Jetstream 4100's in the fleet. And, each plane has a unique REG #. What would be nice to have in that pulldown is a JOIN (or concatenation) on the Aircraft Type AND Registration Number. Basically a wider display list... so you could see which airplane type AND the unique registration for that plane. Right now, it's a 'shot in the dark' trying to pick the correct REG NUMBER for the plane you're flying or are about to fly - as all that is visible in the list is 12 SB20 and about 19 JS41. Once you make the selection from this pulldown, the REG # is sent over to the line below - "Regist" field... The funny thing is - unless the system was not set up correctly before... this "Regist" field is now a pulldown ALSO and really shouldn't be as the registration number was passed by the selection from the "Aircraft Type" pulldown on the line above. ADDITIONAL: I followed your suggestion and pasted the FSPax log (cut 'n paste from FSPassengers) from the last flight into the 'Remarks' field.... where it defaults to "+RMK/" and nothing was sent over as an addition to the FSAcars log. This is pretty odd... isn't it? Again... Thanks for your time, Keith EZE0176
  2. Hello Nabeel, Thanks for the response on integrating FSPax's logs into FSACARS... Here's an additional question regarding the A/C type pulldown after the "Flight from VA" has been selected. Scenario. My VA has multiple Saabs and Jetstreams... each with its own registration number. So, imagine for a minute, when you pull this list down... all you see is - for example - 20 "JS41" entries in the list. Somewhere in that list - I have to imagine - is a concatenated registration number which is INVISIBLE in the pulldown list. So, if you - after a series of trial and errors - manage to select the correct "JS41", then the correct registration number shows up in the Reg # field. Is there any way the pulldown list can include the registration numbers as well as the a/c type? In fact, each pilot already knows what equipment he is flying. All the pilot needs to do is select the correct registration number from the list and PRESTO. Is that something our Administrator can do... reconfigure what's displayed in the pulldown list? Thanks in advance, Keith Rocke - EZE0176
  3. Hello all, My VA (EVA) uses this system for VA flight tracking. I'm a new member of the VA. I've set up FSAcars on my PC and it works well. I also have FSPassengers installed on the PC. That, too, works well - as a standalone. Situation: ======= I SEND the FSAcars log to the VA upon completion of the flight. No problem. HELP NEEDED: ========== I must next SEND the FSPassengers log to the VA. But, this is a separate task. When I send the FSPax log, it created a second (2nd) pirep at the VA - BUT - the log is never received. At the VA's website, it says something about "Aircraft not selected..." So, my Ops Manager has to (every time) clean up the double entry I created. QUESTION: ======== I decided to troubleshoot this situation and respond to the VA Ops Manager with a solution. So, can you tell me what needs to be done so that submitting the FSAcars Log - AND - the FSPassengers Log becomes a single integrated process? Thanks in advanced, Keith Rocke
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