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Everything posted by tr1ck3tt

  1. my va is emprex air and the email is tr1ck3tt@hotmail.com tryed the reset and nothing please help
  2. I am looking for 4 controllers to opreate for me for the Event
  3. To celebrate the opening of Emprex Air we are inviting all pilots to come join us on Our Great Canadian Adventure..... We will be holding a three day event travelling all cross Canadian with different tasks to complete during the way. We will start the first leg at 18:00 hours on May 20th, leaving Canadian's Toronto airport heading West towards...... if you are instrested and would like to come and join us for a few hours of laughs then please let me know.. The details for connection will be posted on here one hour before the start. The first leg is prop aircraft only....
  4. yes i just get it all the time
  5. right i have done that but i still see this Installing the tables...'; if($_POST['DBASE_NAME'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_USER'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_TYPE'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_SERVER'] == '' || $_POST['SITE_URL'] == '') { echo ' You must fill out all the required fields '; break; } if(!Installer::AddTables()) { echo ' '.Installer::$error.' '; break; } if(!Installer::WriteConfig()) { echo ' '.Installer::$error.' '; break; } echo ' Continue to the next step '; } break; case 'sitesetup': Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; case 'complete': if($_POST['action'] == 'submitsetup') { if($_POST['firstname'] == '' || $_POST['lastname'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $_POST['password'] == '' || $_POST['vaname'] == '' || $_POST['vacode'] == '') { Template::Set('message', 'You must fill out all of the fields'); Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; } $_POST['SITE_NAME'] = $_POST['vaname']; if(!Installer::SiteSetup()) { Template::Set('message', Installer::$error); Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); } else { Installer::RegisterInstall(INSTALLER_VERSION); Template::Show('s3_setup_finished.tpl'); } } break; } Template::Show('footer.tpl');
  6. how to do you set up the database using 000webhost please ?
  7. Emprex Air Virtual are due to launch towards the end of this month, and we are looking to hire some new staff. We are looking for : Vice CEO Route Directors for our Regional, Domestic, International, Cargo and Shuttle routes. if you are intrested please send me an email to tr1ck3tt@hotmail.com just telling me which role you would like to apply for and also a little bit about yourself and why you would like to join the team at Emprex Air
  8. I have followed all the steps and end up with this Installing the tables...'; if($_POST['DBASE_NAME'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_USER'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_TYPE'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_SERVER'] == '' || $_POST['SITE_URL'] == '') { echo ' You must fill out all the required fields '; break; } if(!Installer::AddTables()) { echo ' '.Installer::$error.' '; break; } if(!Installer::WriteConfig()) { echo ' '.Installer::$error.' '; break; } echo ' Continue to the next step '; } break; case 'sitesetup': Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; case 'complete': if($_POST['action'] == 'submitsetup') { if($_POST['firstname'] == '' || $_POST['lastname'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $_POST['password'] == '' || $_POST['vaname'] == '' || $_POST['vacode'] == '') { Template::Set('message', 'You must fill out all of the fields'); Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; } $_POST['SITE_NAME'] = $_POST['vaname']; if(!Installer::SiteSetup()) { Template::Set('message', Installer::$error); Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); } else { Installer::RegisterInstall(INSTALLER_VERSION); Template::Show('s3_setup_finished.tpl'); } } break; } Template::Show('footer.tpl');
  9. I am looking for some who can help me install phpvms to my website for some reason i am going wrong somewhere
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