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Simon VVair

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Posts posted by Simon VVair

  1. hello Simon,

    first i want to say i find it a bid sad you are starting this tread.we are all doing this for a hobby and do this to get some stress releaf.

    Personally i think it's more sad that a person cheates rather than the person that points out a problem.....  ;)

    VACentral has been created also for this reason, as Nabeel states :

    " It's targeted as both a publicity tool for VAs, and introduces a competitive environment."

    I love competition, but this does not mean that i tollerate sandbags.

    now on the mather off the many pireps:

    va central is still in development so errors can still happen and even iff he is "cheating" iff i am not wrong Nabeel is building in some sort off lets call it anti cheat.

    and i even think this is not the place for these questions iff you ar so  curios just ask them in person and not via this way it will only start unneccesary discucions.

    gr joeri

    Thanks for the informations.

    Regarding sending a private message.. useless, beleave me.

    And he can easely post here saying that he's just testing the system, being a beta.


  2. Hi all,

    just curious.. i've seen that John filed 23 reports yesterday for a total amount of more than 24 hours of flight.. and same the day before..

    Just to know, those pireps are inserted manually or done with fspax/fsacars? I think it would be good that it could be shown on the VAcentral page (at least i know why an airline does so many flights in one day climbing the rank in a very fast way ;) ).



  3. Hi Nabeel,

    since last update i have these two errors :

    - one in the main admin page :

    Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /var/www/vhosts/volovirtuale.com/subdomains/vvair/httpdocs/admin/modules/Dashboard/Dashboard.php on line 106

    the second one reported by a user that tried to enroll :

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_var() in /var/www/vhosts/volovirtuale.com/subdomains/vvair/httpdocs/core/modules/Registration/Registration.php on line 203

  4. what website is it?

    could you give a direct link to the provider?

    Is it a vps / private server where you need to install everything manually or it is preconfigured?

    Normal it's the second option, you just need to copy all files on the webpages with a ftp program (for example fireftp) and the launch the installation.

  5. Hi boss,

    Happy new Year my friend ;)

    i've just subscribed to the VA Central and i tried to send the pireps from the admin page on VVAir, this is the error it gives :

    Fatal error: Cannot access private property CentralData::$limits in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 82

    The send of scheduling worked fine.

    I've updated to latest phpvms.

  6. Hi,

    i've just exported the routes from my VA to verify the usage and it came out quite strange.

    I'll attach it here directly.

    Just some things :

    1. some distances instead of being 800nm are 859893, it seems he didn't export the .

    2. it didn't export all the flight times, but i'm sure that all my schedules have departure, arrival and lengh

    3. i still have problems with the calculate distance feature (installed 816 and tried again, but happened also with 815), it does not calculate.

    When i launch /mantainance/resetdistances it sais no schedule to update.

    4. the prices, some of them have been moved to notes (during the export)

  7. hello Simon

    first problem: you can normally do a recalculate distance in the maintenence page og the admin it does theme all

    That is what is not working ;)

    second problem in you public profile and in the profile main you have to enter this code

                <?php foreach($allawards as $award)
                   /* To show the image:*/?>
                   <li><?php echo $award->name ?><img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /></li>
             <?php } ?>

    then tey will show up.

    gr joeri and send some real itallian pasta to belgium ;)

    I'll try that out thanks,

    ok for the pasta.. but better to send some nice whine then with it :D

  8. Ciao Nabeel,

    i'm on 815 now.

    Yesterday I imported some new flight plans and now the recalculate airport distance does not work.

    For example i created the schedule for LIRF - EFRO /house of Santa Claus eheh) for Xmas awards and the distance is 15 nm.... sounds strange ;)

    Also happened for LIRF - YSSY, Hong Kong, Beijing and others.

    Had to enter manually in each single flight plan to recalculated automatically with the button.

    Second thing, regarding the award.

    We've created this fly-in, i've setup the award with the badge, i gave the correct url to the badge but it does not show up. It shoes only the description in the pilots page as you can see from the images.

    BTW, also the round circle that showed the percentage of aircraft used is not showing any more since i left ver 700.

    Ciao, going to finish cooking my spaghetti ;)



  9. Just to specify better :

    at enrollment pilot has two options :

    [open] [rank based] [rank based / monthly duties ]


    can choose whatever flight and airplane he wants, no limits

    rank based 

    the pilot can choose the flights based on his rank

    rank based / monthly duties

    he recevies direclty the flights and can bid flights only if he finished monthly duties

    admin side

    pilot page - option to switch to open / rank based / monthly duties

    monthly duties can then specify:

    - national flights

    - european flights

    - international flights

    send random duties to all selected

    ok i've said enough eheh

  10. Hello all,

    i would like to know if someone could create a module that

    sends via email every 1th of month 6-8 routes to be flown by the captain as monthly assignment.

    The best would be to have a module on pilot center that shows the monthly assignments.

    These routes must be flown on the same aircraft (for example Airbus 320 and in case if the pilot has two choices - also for example B738, maybe he can choose at the beginning on a checkbox?).

    If it's always possible it could be great to sort the routes to assign randomly based on the flight numbers.

    For example, a junior captain would do only local flights (in my case only Italy)

    a higher officer could start receiving assignments also on european flights

    and for last international duties.

    To explain, since my flights are 1000-2000 local, 2000-3000 europe, 3000-4000 international (just to give you an idea), as admin i could checkbox the flights to send (only flights in the 2000-3000 parameters) and randomly send him the assignments.

    All of this is to activate the academy and the rating exams so pilot can do a career in the VA.

    Let me know what you think.


  11. what should i do with that code . Please be more specific. Thank you

    This is the new template, but personally even if i put it in my vvair skin folder it doesn't work, so i've got your same problem.

  12. this is how it is in the 813 core/crystal template :

    <script type="text/javascript">
    map_zoom_level = <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL'); ?>;
    map_center_lat = "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>";
    map_center_lng = "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>";
    map_type = <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_TYPE'); ?>;
    <div class="mapcenter" align="center">
    <div id="acarsmap" style="width:<?php echo  Config::Get('MAP_WIDTH');?>; height: <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_HEIGHT')?>"></div>
    <p style="width:<?php echo  Config::Get('MAP_WIDTH');?>;font-size: 10px; text-align: center;">The map and table automatically update. <span style="color:red;">Red</span> indicates pilot is on the ground. <span style="color:green;">Green</span> indicates in air. Click pilot name to view.</p>
    <table border = "0" width="100%">
    	<td><b>Pilot</b></td><td><b>Flight Number</b></td><td><b>Departure</b></td><td><b>Arrival</b></td><td><b>Status</b></td><td><b>Altitude</b></td><td><b>Speed</b></td><td><b>Distance/Time Remain</b></td>
    <tbody id="pilotlist" ></tbody>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/acarsmap.js');?>"></script>

  13. I keep getting this error when using the phpVMS installer. I am very new at this stuff and think I must have missed something in my set up

    Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

    any ideas??

    first i suggest changing the subject of the post.. it's quite frustrating to see help written without anything else.

    IMHO :)


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