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  1. Hello. I have been slowly poking away at trying to setup a website for a new VA utilizing phpVMS and after having made a dent I'm concerned I've taken the wrong approach. I have rudimentary knowledge of web development. I've poked around at some basic HTML/CSS udemys and things of that nature. I have some friends who are software engineers and web developers who understand all of this stuff, and one of them has helped me with an initial setup, but I don't want to be presumptuous and take advantage of them by pressing them to hold my hand. Thus far, my plan has been to have a public facing Wordpress site, as that is manageable for me, with phpVMS serving as my members-only area for the operations side of things. I've worked up a pretty creditable Wordpress site and have started to put more of an eye towards working on getting phpVMS running, but in doing so I've realized that a lot of the more successful VAs utilizing phpVMS are using it as the whole site. I must have been misunderstanding what phpVMS was meant for. I know at the end of the day this is more of an opinion, but am I correct in this new assumption that phpVMS is meant to be the whole website? Or is it common to do it as I was initially doing it? That all being asked, what can you guys recommend for figuring out phpVMS 7 without having a web/software development background? I've read through a lot of http://docs.phpvms.net/ and to be honest much of it is above my head and seems to be more oriented towards a type of tutorial that is "here is how you find the files that you already know you'll need and what to do with" vs. taking a layman like myself through. There's some on YouTube but most that I've found are very old and for phpVMS 5. Any general advice or direction is welcome, as well as recommendations on tutorials, etc. Thanks!
  2. Hello all. I have not posted on this website yet, and I hope that doesn't scare away any would be bidders. I have been in the VA business for some years and am now looking to strike out on my own. I've helped run several in the past, but I was never responsible for web design and development, and none of my old contacts are still "in the business", so to speak. Thus, I am in need of someone to help me put together a website. I am interested in hiring someone to do this and am seeking out any interested parties that would like to talk about what services they can offer. If you're interested, please email me at wellingtonairservice@gmail.com or contact me via this forum. Thanks!
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