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ProAvia last won the day on January 30

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  1. The post you replied to is over 3.5 years old. With the stable release of phpVMS v7 and the ongoing issues in v5 with shared hosting updates to MySQL/MariaDB versions, it's time for anyone on shared hosting to move to phpVMS v7. Continued use of phpVMS v5 is almost impossible in todays shared hosting environment.
  2. Assuming you are referring to vmsACARS so will move this to the correct forum.
  3. Instead of changing the Japanese language files, you can duplicate them and then change to Chinese. This would provide all included languages and the additional language you wish to add. See this GitHub commit for ideas on all files that need changing and the config/languages.php file that needs the addition of your added language. https://github.com/phpvms/phpvms/pull/1890/commits/34d7fe417dd979b42050e2f6597e2b47ff582dcd Once you are done, consider submitting a PR to the phpVMS GitHub repo for possible future inclusion.
  4. Glad you found the cause. And now there is another tidbit of info here for someone else to see when they have the same issue.
  5. Look at the top of the forum here - there is a discord link.
  6. To clarify... you're entering your vmsACARS license into your phpVMS v7 admin panel - and pressing save caused the 419 error? This really has nothing to do with vmsACARS. I moved your post to phpVMS General Discussions. My first guess is it's a CORS error. Be sure your .env file is using https for your site URL and that the URL you are accessing is usimg https as well. Here's a bunch more possibilities... https://www.bacancytechnology.com/qanda/laravel/laravel-post-request-error-419-session-page-has-expired
  7. There is no ACARS 7 - the 7 refers to phpVMS v7 vmsACARS 2.0.453 is ACARS Are you saying that an image you posted to phpVMS v7 News posts fine on the website, but the image doesn't show on the vmsACARS opening page? Have you tried '.jpg' instead of .jpeg? What is the size of the image? Honestly, I am not sure if images will display in vmsACARS opening page as I haven't tried it. Wait until later in the week for the developer to return. Have you clearly posted about this in the phpVMS discord?
  8. You may want to update your link as it presently doesn't work. Good luck with your new VA? Any update on your other project?
  9. As updates are released, they will still get the update notice. Honestly, they need to get used to it and know what to do. Wait for your web guy to return - as he knows where he put the file and how it's linked to allow pilots to download it.
  10. vmsACARS v2 beta has been released to all VAs that have a valid license. See your other post for time remaining. ETE is available via the site side SimBrief integration and other flight planning resources.
  11. Time remaining wouldn't be accurate as the winds can change, ATC could reroute/vector off the flight plan, pilot could change course/speed. Too many variables to make it accurate.
  12. It's still in alpha testing. Hoping to see a beta release in the coming weeks. But no promises.
  13. What exactly does it say on the error page? Have you read the phpVMS v7 docs and how to ask for help? Did you look in the logs? In any case, you should be posting to the forum and not as a comment in the downloads section.
  14. This VA is on a shared host which runs MariaDB 10.6 since a server migration. Many fuctions of phpVMS 5 won't work correctly with any MySQL above 5.7.4 or MariaDB above 10.2 The VA in question has updated to phpVMS v7. Other VA's on shared hosting will also be encountering these issues as hosts update their PHP and MySQL/MariaDB versions. It is recommended that all VA's on shared hosting update their sites to phpVMS v7 sooner rather than later.
  15. Ok - you posted this in the v7 section. I'll move it to v5. The actual client is encoded and can't be customized. The site side module can be modded to work with php 7.4 if needed. If you want to future proof, move to v7. It would be a better use of your resources and money in the long term.
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