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ProAvia last won the day on June 25

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  1. What version of phpVMS? What ACARS? For phpVMS v7, suggest you read thru the docs, available via the "Docs" link in the top menu. It really isn't difficult to install phpVMS v7 or vmsACARS. The challenging part as a VA owner can be setting up your airports, aircraft and flights. Doing this can take many hours - and if you hire this part out, it will get quite costly. Is your VA up and running on a website at present?
  2. ProAvia

    Transfer of hours

    What "network" did you bring these hours over from? Transfer Hours are separate from Flight Time in phpVMS 7. Transfer Hours are from outside of phpVMS. Flight Time is for hours flown in the phpVMS ecosystem. You can always add Transfer Hours and Flight Time to give a Total Time and then add a place to display it in your theme.
  3. Are any emails being sent/received? Emails for new news items, PIREPs being submitted, etc? How emails ever worked? Double check with your email provider/host that you are using the correct hots, port, encryption settings.
  4. If using smartCARS 3 with phpVMS 7 and having issues, I suggest you contact TFDi on their discord. SM3 is NOT fully compatible with phVMS v7 - it is up to TFDi to fix their issues.
  5. Chances are some members are using the latest beta version and others are not. In YOUR vmsACARS, is use Beta checked? Can't remember exactly where this setting is - click each icon on left side and look.
  6. Admin - settings Should be the very first item - enable and insert public and secret hCaptcha keys.
  7. Do not use beta 5 - use the latest dev version available in the discord #v7-releases channel. phpVMS v7 uses hCaptcha instead of reCaptcha. You will need the free keys from hCaptcha - and enter them into the admin, settings section of v7.
  8. Need the exact v7 dev version and exact Dispo Basic version as well. Or you can just update to latest v7 dev and latest Dispo Basic. not sure what you mean that you have ICAO and IATA wrong - and that you are already editing them. What do you mean “wrong”?
  9. What dev version of phpVMS 7 are you using? What version of Dispo theme and/or modules are you using?
  10. What version of vmsACARS. Have them install a new instance of vmsACARS in a new folder and try again.
  11. @PaintSplasher Thanks for your continued efforts and support! Looking forward to your other importers as well. Please provide a comprehensive list of the v5 modules you use and/or that your importers will work with. Different modules that provide the same basic functions can/do name their database fields differently.
  12. Not sure if it's practical or worth the time to go thru all the v2/v5 posts to lock unsolved ones. New users should be using phpVMS v7 - and old users have usually solved their issues even if they don't post their resolution. Based on increasing issues that v2/v5 users are experiencing (mostly do to shared hosting updates), it's probably time to move on to v7. In any case, as long as phpVMS v7 airport lookup is working, the above update to the v5 files (via updated VACentral API update) should allow the airport lookup to work. Not so much using the "virtualairlines.eu" website airport lookup as the website is sometimes unreachable and the OP author hasn't been on this forum in over 4 years.
  13. While you replied to a 3 year old post to a 2 year old prior post, a better solution is: At least this will work as long as the phpVMS airport lookup API is up. This phpVMS airport lookup API is the same one in use for phpVMS v7 - and has been adapted to work with phpVMS v5.
  14. Are you using the latest v7 dev version available from the v7-releases channel in discord? List the full version number here. I haven’t noticed any of what you are experiencing with users or pagination - and I’ve done the legacy import at least 3 dozen times over the last several months while helping to update and improve the legacy importer. As for any 500 errors - you will need to look on the phpVMS logs. See the phpVMS docs for their location.
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