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    Kings Bay, Georgia, USA

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  1. I guess so.. As near as I can tell its merely a display bug.
  2. When I check the database it is showing as 4.70 The person who filed the report also amended that this wasn't filed via FSACARS. He put the bid in manually after the FSACARS program crashed on approach.
  3. Below is the bug report from my site. Issue : Hours for flights flown using FSACARS are not being counted correctly when the PIREP is filed from within FSACARS Example : http://www.ceruleanairlines.com/main/index.php/profile/view/4 Should show as 4.7 not 4.07 Original Report : Quote I filed a PiREP today for one of the ferry flights in the MD83. I filed a 4.7 hour flight with the use of FSACARS (which i didn't show up on the map.) However on my pilot page it shows 4.07 hours, basically getting docked over .5 hours of flight time. Can we please just use tenths (.1) and not go to the hundredth (.01) It would make life so much easier Smiley
  4. When I attempt to add a pilot group I get redirected to a blank page with the following errorThere was an error!I have also attempted this on a clean install with the same result.
  5. Nabeel,I just noticed that on the registration page there is no feild for DATE OF BIRTH.A lot of VA's mine included ask for this information to satisfy US COPPA requirements. I can't just add it as a custom field because then it becomes publicly visible. In the mean time I'm adding a "If you register you are satisfying" bla note but I don't know if this actual satisfies the legal requirement. Is it possible to get this put into the system?Thanks in advance~Vince
  6. Maybe related,When filing a PIREPWarning: fopen(/var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/lib/rss/latestpireps.rss) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/common/RSSFeed.class.php on line 63
  7. Ok,Then may I suggest making it error a little more graciously
  8. I would assume use an offset of 100,If that doesn't work, ask the maker
  9. Warning: fopen(/var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/pages/ourairline.htm) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/common/SiteData.class.php on line 184
  10. Thank you! It's still very much a work in progress. In "/core/local.config.php"Find the part that says$Config['PILOTID_OFFSET'] = 0;If it doesn't exist put that at the end of the file before the ?> then replace 0 with whatever you want your Pilot ID's to start at.So if your Pilot ID is 1 then with an offset of 1000 your PID becomes 1001.
  11. Whenever you call <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> on any pages, it pulls the list of recent Pilots however immediately above it there is "test" displayed.So this is what it outputs for me.testBLU1004 Quinn RognessBLU1003 Tyler HartmannBLU1002 Leonard JungckBLU1001 Vince NovakThis can be seen on most pages at test.ceruleanairlines.com
  12. Either or it appears
  13. When you file a PIREP there is a comments field, However when viewing pending, or Approved Pireps there is no way to view comments included in the PIREP.Told you I'd break something
  14. When requesting a page that does not exist via the "?page=content&p=x" function the following is displayed.Warning: SiteData::GetPageContent(/var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/pages/privacypolicy.htm) [function.GetPageContent]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/common/SiteData.class.php on line 119Warning: SiteData::GetPageContent() [function.include]: Failed opening '/var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/pages/privacypolicy.htm' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/common/SiteData.class.php on line 119I would recommend a more graceful error message such as a 404 Page or something to that extent.EDIT: It should be noted that this error occurs when you have defined a page in the control panel but renamed or deleted the actual file in /core/pages Attempting to load a page that has not been defined does return a "Page not found" error so in retrospect maybe the technical error in this case is fine.
  15. Whenever deleting an item the page should ask if your sure. There might also be some mechanism for deleting multiple entries at once.Certain staff members should receive notification on certain events (Pilot Join, PIREP FILED) etc.Add the ability to sort displayed scheduled (By Flight Number, By Departure Time, By Arrival Time, By Flight Leanth, etc)
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