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  1. thank you for the reply now have another problem in the top left after installing the events module i get events/sidebar_events.php showing instead off the module..
  2. did you solve this issue as i am having the same one ?
  3. OK i have PHPVMS installed on m,y server and now i have it working great and everything trying to add a ferw extra modules etc and keep getting this message The template file "/home/*****/public_html/2014//admin/templates/events/events_index.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/*****/public_html/2014/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 does this with both the events and the plugins same message and in the top left corner rather than show the extra menus it shows events/sidebar_events.php above the options tab Everything has been installed once twice and even had two clean install any ideas and the ***** are there to vblock my real addy for now
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