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Everything posted by bazzaviator

  1. Is there any further news on this?
  2. Magpie Aviation 'MA'
  3. I am having the same problem
  4. Why are my airline hours not showing in VA central?
  5. I wanted to change teh password but it will not let me in vacentral on teh profile page. Comes back with teh following; Not Found Error: The requested address '/profile/changepassword' was not found on this server.
  6. yes cokkies enables.
  7. Thanks Firefox works fine, don't know why windows would not, but anyhow I am in and it set up thanks
  8. MS Windows Explorer 7 wood4065west@hotmail.co.uk
  9. I registered with VA Central and confirmed but when I try and login I enter my details and it just sits and does nothing, can you help please Barry
  10. I would just liek to through a couple of ideas in for development, the topics may have already been covered.. 1, Eco, Business and First Class seating. It woudl be good if we could deteremine how many seats are for each class in an aircraft and assigned different ticket prices. In the new ACARS system in develoment could we have a penalty system for poor flying in the sam eway FSPassengers does, speed limits below 10K Ft, heavy, landings, not using landing lights etc. I know this all takes coding, and I am no coder, but it was just a thought, as I said topics may have already been covered.
  11. No problem, just thought you should know.
  12. In teh Doc section under teh FSACARS all teh Jpegs which show teh setting needed are not appearing, I haev tried thsi on two different computors today. please can some taek a look at the main doc/FSACARS page and tell me whether they are seing teh JPEG inserts in teh Tutorial.
  13. I was reading teh FSCARS Help page and all the jpg's which I presume will show settings do not appear on the page as though the link has been removed.
  14. where do we change the setting so we can manually change pilots ranks and then where does it give yo the chance to alter individual pilot ranks. Thanks
  15. It is my own clour scheme for Magpie Aviation, I have a tow logo and a simple white blue and Black paint design, I know how I would like it to look and can send some drawings.
  16. Is there anyone out there does aircraft paint jobs?
  17. Felt like an idiot when I realised.
  18. I have been struggling all weekedn trying to get phpvms set up andkept getting a problem with my Local.config.php mot being accessable. I kept trying to changed the CHMOD settings to make it fully accessable but it just didn't work, I even tried different FTP management tools to see if that made a difference, Then one of the tools when try to changet the CHMOD settings again cam eback that only LINUX server allows you to change the settings in that way, Light bulb went on, I am on a windows server, so I went to the server and played around with the access settings for the folders. My problem solved. So if you have the same sort of problems you will beed to go to your server and look at the permssions there. Just thought I would share this as I am sure I will not be the only one that has this problem.
  19. Problem sorted
  20. I have done that evenset the CHMOD to 777
  21. Thanks
  22. If I have downloaded the latest version from teh site is there any upgrades I still need to install?
  23. I click on the individual link sto the tutorial on teh websiet and it returns a page seems to sit there trying to download but at the end is no contents1 Help? Thanks
  24. MYSQL 5.0.45 PHO4.4.7 & 5.2.6 OK solved most just left with one. I have made sure there full access to this file. Warning: fopen(D:vhostssimaviators.co.ukhttpdocsphpvmscore//local.config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:vhostssimaviators.co.ukhttpdocsphpvmsinstallInstaller.class.php on line 122 There was an error opening local.config.php. Please check your permissions. Sorry to be a pain.
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