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  1. Hello fellow simmers I'm Justin CEO of vdeltaair And we would like to welcome you to our newest addition of vdelta. We have been currently working on a new design. We have got the idea of setting things up to be more of just one va we have become a wider range of virtual airlines. We have been building our codeshares sites as well to help improve your simming needs as of this time. We have two set ups and will be more coming we currently hold vdeltaair.org for our delta and our first codeshare vhawaiian air at Hal.vdeltaair.org Great set of running all your flight just the same as delta but with a whole new level. So please come and join us at our new website Hal.vdeltaair.org
  2. VDeltaair.org is hosting its first Hawaiian Fly Inn and Fly Out 08/30-08/31/2015 from 09:00-20:00 Thanks. Vdelta Staff WE are welcoming all pilots from all over for us to help vHawaiian Airlines Virtual get started. We have lines of people ready to fly and see new things.. We are even givving A chance for even guest to support us in this event.... Look forward to seeing you there, Vdelta Staff "ATT GUEST" We do ask that you please put in Remarks on vatsim Flight plan "Vdelta Event" so we can try to keep track of numbers of who all shown up. We would also like to thank you for taking the time to come out and help us in our event Thanks Pilots... Also if you could take the time to chose a flight from are flights and use are HAL flight number thanks.
  3. Sorry good point We are looking for some one that has exp with the vrts training system to be able to develop the testing for each rank depending on the different categories to help with there growing dimming exp Some of the categories have been done as well as some of the study materials We look forward too be hearing from you. This job does not pay in any type of pay ware software Must have paypal Thanks for your time 50 to 100 for each rank thanks Vdeltaair staff.
  4. We are currently hiring a training manager vrts system Paying job until complete Contact me
  5. Hello im Justin with Vdeltaair.org Also was known as vdeltaair.com we had some downtime due to some work issues but got that behind us with a new start.... With all new fligts aircrafts and even software and new doman name as we are now vdeltaair.org look forward to seeing you there WWW.VDELTAAIR.ORG
  6. I am trying to import flights but getting no aircraft and it was skipped but I have the aircraft in my fleet but I have the right ICAO codes for the aircraft but it looks like the csv file has B752 in the aircraft colom and my aircract names are name wright as Boeing 737-200 any way to fix this? tanks
  7. I get this is admin center There are no LoA requests. Warning: fgetcsv() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/deltaair/public_html/admin/modules/LoA/LoA.php on line 83 Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/deltaair/public_html/admin/modules/LoA/LoA.php on line 84 Not too sure on this? pilot side looks great
  8. Back on the market looking for a repainted for the aerosoft Airbus a319
  9. Ok Im looking for a repait for my aerosoft airbus a319 using this as the paint different and will pay extra for the added stuff lol http://www.vdeltaair.com/Delta-Express-737-200-N310DA-L.jpg I know its for the 737 but rather it for the airbus thanks I can send repaint kit if needed
  10. Aww boo lol ok thanks for those looks great
  11. Well got any airbus
  12. got any with a different aircraft like that like with the 737
  13. Those are just beautifullove them going to use some of them if ok with u
  14. Just Completed my P1 training my self lol.... could u email them I even created account ad still wont show
  15. images wont load for me?
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