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Everything posted by Easyjetvirtuel

  1. Dear community, At this moment, my background is the default background (color : white) I would like to change it with a jpg.file. to add a new color for this background; How can I do this ? Many thank's
  2. Thank you very much Galihom !
  3. Dear community, I would like to change my top banner. At this moment I've got the default top banner. What files I have to change ? Thank you.
  4. I have delete the line 4, and this is correct... Thank you
  5. I've got this error : Fatal error: Class 'SimpleNews' not found in /www/zxq.net/e/a/s/easyjetvirtuel/htdocs/phpvms/lib/skins/pureHTML5_blue/frontpage_main.tpl on line 4 I don't understand what I have to do .... thank's
  6. Thank you very much !
  7. Thanks you very much
  8. Dear community, I want to edit the welcome text on my welcoming page. But I can't find the good file in my phpvms file... I think that there is a html file with the actual text. I want to find this file to modify this text... Bests regards, Jules
  9. Dear community, I've created many ranks in my company. I've created one rank : "Staff". How can I change the ranks of the pilots ? Because actually, my staff members have the lowest rank... bests regards, Jules
  10. I have find a solution, my pilots have to use Fsacars and not Xacars... thank's !
  11. Dear community, I've created some flights schedules on my phpvms. When I loggin on Xacars and when I write my Xacars preference, everything is ok. But when, I enter the flight number, Xacars do not enter the flight data... as you can see on the pictures. There is write this : <B>WARNING</B>: INI_SET() HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR SECURITY REASONS IN <B>/WWW/ZXQ.NET/E/A/S/EASYJETVIRTUEL/HTDOCS/PHPVMS/CORE/MODULES/ACARS/XACARS.PHP</B> ON LINE <B>18</B><BR />
  12. Dear community, I want to delete recaptcha of my registration page because, I've got some problem with it... Can you explain to me what lines I have to change in the php code of Phpvms ? Bests regards, Jules
  13. I've read on some forum that "could not open socket" can be arrive because of recaptcha. can I remove or delete recaptacha of the registration processus ? https://code.google.com/p/recaptcha/issues/detail?id=26
  14. @Ashj24uk : Well... For the logo, I've create a new one, but for the trademark : "easyjetvirtuel" so it's not "easyjet"... But,i'm disappointed... What do you think that I have to do ?
  15. Have you got names of free webhosting wich are they ok for phpvms ? @Ashj24uk : Why do you tell that ? Easyjet don't agree with the compagny virtual ?
  16. Thank's for answers, but I don't really understand what I have to do... I contact my host by email... This is my website : http://easyjetvirtuel.zxq.net/phpvms/index.php/ I think that is a recaptcha error... can I delete the captcha from phpvms ? can you help me ?
  17. Dear community, I've install PhpVms on my website, but, when pilots try to creat account, after the register session, a page opening. On this page, we can read : "Can not open socket" So, actually, it's impossible for pilots to create account on my website, can you help me ? bests regards, Jules
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