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OpenFlight's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. OPN0001 Is old and OPN0101 is new
  2. Hi, i changed my pilot ID and no longer have access to the admin panel on my site, is there a way i can dive into the files on the webhost to grant admin again?
  3. So my virtual organisation allows people to fly for different airlines with in the VA, however im wondering if its possible to have it set up so specific aircraft/fleet can be assigned to a specific airline?
  4. And that would still allow everything to work without a fresh install of Phpvms?
  5. Hi I already have PHPvms installed on a webhost, however im using a free domain that they supply. If i was to buy a domain and have have it changed, would all the features within phpvms still work, or would i have to reset everything and do a fresh install of the files.
  6. Posting previously, with a solid 'about us' forum diving into our ideas and aims, we would like to grab some team members to help with operations and the management of Open Flight I'm looking for people who are strong community members and are very suggestive. In a new virtual organisation, commitment is everything and this helps us to fast track and get everything we need set up, and ready to use. Below is a list of available vacancies in which I hope you will show an interest in:- Training Manager Training operations play a key part to helping pilots and air traffic controllers, learn new skills and achieving new goals. As a Training Manager you will be responsible for: Maintaining and updating our training center. Hiring instructors relevant to instructor vacancies Communication with your instructors (Arranging instructor availability, updating accepted and declined training sessions for pilots and air traffic controllers. Attending online meetings to discuss the training department (Tools required to assist with training) Software Developer Software developers are the only team members that will receive a satisfactory wage for the work they carry out. There are many ideas on the our boards, and almost ready to begin development, so this will require a dedicated 'work from home' trained developer, with a creative mind looking for a temporary job (possible on a more frequent basis) Wage & hours will be discussed during your application with Open Flight As a software developer you are responsible for the following:- Being able to read and write code for software and webpages Writing basic and advanced software clients and plugins Understand the workings of SDK's with in flight simulation and many of our ideas will be assisted by familiar companies Meeting reasonable deadlines and completing a job (Some development jobs, you will be required to sign a contract alongside our rules and regulations towards illegal software distribution and piracy) Selective Airline Managers We will be operating plenty of airlines within our project, therefore there are plenty of positions available airline management vacancies available. This position is more relevant to people who hold experience within a virtual airline and are familiar with the running and management and wish to give it a go! Open flight admins and operators will review the airline statistics and make relevant decisions if they feel you could make improvements. You will be responsible for:- Recruiting pilots Forwarding training applications to the training manager who will assign the session to an available instructor Request advisory for removing, adding routes. Purchasing new fleet, and requesting more airline staff General decision making to successfully operate and manage the airline. More vacancies will be available in the not so distant future as we make progressions with our project.
  7. Its interesting you bring this to my attention PilotChase. I am well aware that many pilots and controllers would rather spend their time flying on VATSIM or IVAO which is more than expected seeing as the operate large quantities of traffic in a fairly real environment held on just a few servers. I am proposing that these organisations become a huge aspect in my project and hopefully will progress further, by developing a much more convenient and improved network which can be joined with the other software, developers could be working on for us. I hope that people will not see this as a "trying to beat VATSIM" way of looking at this but more of an innovative new way that could possibly work much better and be more relevant to the advancing technology we work along side.
  8. A flight network that will change the way we look at flight simulation... That's our ultimate goal, and we have already made progress in making this happen! Open Flight is an idea that came to mind after long and hard thought, plenty of mind-maps and more hard thinking. I wanted to begin something new for a very long time. I looked into starting a Virtual Airline, but I just realised I'd be stuck at the bottom of a chain of new VA's waiting to step up their game and become something big. It was time to think outside the box. I began looking at the current problems we face in flight simulation, such as the vast amount of software and networks we are required to be apart of and have running, just to carry out a short hop in a Cessna 172. This immediately made me think about a revolutionary idea, which I believe will work with the right people involved. I wont share to much with you now, as to what my plans are and where I hope to head with this, but for the meantime I am interesting in having some innovative enthusiastic simmist work along side me, to hopefully create something everyone will be involved in. I am looking for directors and managers to help run different sectors so if your interested and you are willing to put in the effort, please share your interest with me and ill be happy to contact you.
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