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Posts posted by markyboy123

  1. I had the same problem, just delete the cache from the browser ...

    Also if your going North for example, the image does not show North, it shows the image like its going north west kinda thing even tho your going north on your flight sim if you know what i mean :/

    It is so weird

  2. I have replaced the blue circle image with the plane in it (default) and replaced it, I have created my new image 360 times but sometimes it changes to the default image.


    Also i want that red line changing so people can see the exact route they are flying, I have found a forum post for it but it did not work for me :(

    Any help with be appreciated


    I am using Smart Cars

  3. Which aircraft have you selected? Are you able to fly that aircraft? Can you send us your website URL and which schedules are missing from the listing?

    It is the A318 and set it to manager which is what i'm rated for. and it's just that flight for now, the rest is showing up which is why i am confused

  4. Hi ,

    I have added a schedule , but for some reason it doesn't show it , I have browsed the forum about it and changed the schedule result tpl file so that it reads "7" and "0" for Sunday but still no luck , it shows 20 schedules but not the ones I added today for Some reason , it might be a bug for Sunday ?? Even tho there are schedules can be flown on a Sunday and they show ?

    So confusing lol

  5. Hi, One of our pilots was flying and his FSX crashed, But on the live flight board it was still showing him as climbing, Is there anyway i can amend that so it deletes it automatically if any sim crashes ??

    Also, is there a better live flight map for kacars instead of the google map standard one ? If so can someone share there code ? :)


  6. I have tried my best coding a live flight board type of thing and for some reason everything is in the wrong place ??


    and the code for it:

    <table style="border:1px solid grey;" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="10" bgcolor="#E0EBEB">
    <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #116ed8;">Flight</th>
    <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #116ed8;">Departure</th>
    <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #116ed8;">Arrival</th>
    <th width="20%" align="center" style="background-color: #116ed8;">Pilot</th>
    <th width="18.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #116ed8;">Status</th>
    $results = ACARSData::GetACARSData();
    if (count($results) > 0)
    foreach($results as $flight)
    <td align="center"><?php if($flight->phasedetail == "Boarding"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Preflight"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Arrived"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "On Approach"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Cruise"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Descending"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Pushing Back"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Taxiing to Runway"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Climbing"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Taxiing to Gate"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Paused"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Level Flight"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Taking Off"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Cruising"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Airborne"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Departing"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == " Initial Approach"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Final Approach"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "En Route"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Initial Approach"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "Landed"); elseif($flight->phasedetail == "On Stand"); ?></td>
    <td align="center"><?php echo $flight->flightnum;?></td>
    <td align="center"><?php echo $flight->depname;?></td>
    <td align="center"><?php echo $flight->arrname;?></td>
    <td align="center"><?php echo $flight->pilotname;?></td>
    <td align="center"><?php if($flight->phasedetail
    != 'Paused') { echo $flight->phasedetail; }
    else { echo "Paused"; }?></font></td>
    } else { ?>
    <center><tr><td width="20%" colspan="6" style="padding: 5px; font-size: 13px; font-style:italic; font-family:open sans ;"><font color="#116ed8">No Flights in Progress!</font></td></tr></center>

    Please Help

  7. Hi there, i have been on this forum to see if i can get code to have "upcoming arrivals" , the table shows but nothing appears in the table even tho i am flying. The code i am using is this:


    $query = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_schedules ORDER BY arrtime + 0 ASC";
    $list = DB::get_results($query);
    echo '<h3><span style="font-family:open sans; font-style:italic"><font color="#116ed8">Upcoming</font><font color="#18487f">Arrivals</font></span> - Current Time is '.date('G:i').'</h3>';
    echo '<table width="100%" border="1">';
    echo '<tr><td>Departure</td><td>Arrival</td><td>Arrival Time</td><td>Aircraft</td><td>Status</td></tr>';
    $count = 0;
    if(($flight->arrtime + 0) > date('G:i'))
    if($count < 5)
    $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($flight->aircraft);
    echo '<tr><td>'.$flight->depicao.'</td><td>'.$flight->arricao.'</td><td>'.$flight->arrtime.'</td><td>'.$aircraft->fullname.'</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    if(($flight->arrtime - date('G:i')) <= 1)
    echo 'Arriving Soon';
    echo 'In Flight';
    echo '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';

    I am new to php but i just can't figure it out, i am using the free kacars for now but will be paying for the custom one soon,

    Any help will be very much appreciated

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