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Posts posted by IrfanKhan

  1. Dear Servetas,

    We are using CharterOps from crazy creatives.

    I have asked Manuel Seiwald to help us to modify the code as per our needs, he responded back that he is very busy with several projects in hand if we wanted changes he can do which will cost us some amount as well and he will do it whenever he has time for it, this conversation was done in the month of November 2015 till now no update from his side so i thought to ask forum members if anyone can help us to modify the code.

    Thank you.

    Irfan Khan

  2. Thank you for your Response Simpilot

    in the source file which is layout.php below are the codes placed i dont know how it is showing rocketscript?

    <!-- Javascripts
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    Even my Live Acars MAP not showing live flights i tried removing jquery from head section still map doesn't work and if i remove jquery from footer website stops working as well it seems it in linked with main source of the website.

    please advise.

  3. Dear Members recently we have moved our website to another hosting company, after shifting we requested them to restore our data backup file taken from previous hosting, they did the same for us after restoration of the data we found that our flight operation is not working means people connecting with acars system doing flights but pireps not coming to our database and also live flights not showing on our front page we did everything to resolve the issue change the configurations but not succeeded.

    to double check we did one more fresh install of simpilot 5.5x latest version but same issue exist with the new installation as well.

    1. Live flights tracking not working
    2. Pireps not able to file
    3. No error coming
    4. changed the local.config file

    any help please

    website: piavirtual.org

    Update 1# in phpvms_acarsdata table no latest data is showing after connected with acars software.

  4. i uploaded install folder from 5.5x and getting the below error while checking dbtest.php?

    Warning: include(/home/piavir5/public_html/PIA/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/piavir5/public_html/PIA/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb.class.php on line 92

    Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/piavir5/public_html/PIA/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_.class.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in/home/piavir5/public_html/PIA/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb.class.php on line 92

    Fatal error: Class 'ezdb_' not found in /home/piavir5/public_html/PIA/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb.class.php on line 94

  5. Vangelis Thank you for your quick response the above issue is solved by simply changing URL rewrite function in local.config file... BUT another issue now when pilots connecting with smartCARS live flights not appearing on our frontpage and when they file the pirep also not showing the pireps in the admin panel but in activity feed it shows us the latest pirep filed???

    website: piavirtual.org

  6. Dear members we recently shifted our website to another hosting & they already restored our backup data after the restore when ever we are trying to access any page we are getting 404 error (see below) it seems index.php is missing how can i solve the issue?


  7. Dear Members i need sincere help we are having high server cpu resource usage problem from last 1 month now suddeny this issue started before it was all ok now daily our website eating more resources and our account is getting blocked by our hosting company they suggest to check my script what can be the issue i am not getting answer to it? can anyone please advise & help on the same issue.

    below is last one hour resource usage report from our hosting server?


  8. i am using simpilot 5.5x not working for me giving below error any help will be appreciated

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function recaptcha_get_html() in /home/pakvacc1/public_html/PIA/lib/skins/vp/RouteSubmit/RouteSubmit.php on line 136

    on line 136


    echo recaptcha_get_html(Config::Get('RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY'), $captcha_error);


  9. Dear Members i would like to ask for the help to please advise me as how to get the output text such as greased landing, Hard Landing etc

    for example

    Pilot submitted the PIREP with -850 ft/min landing rate i would like to get an small text showing weather it is hard landing or greased landing like this -850 ft/min (HARD LANDING) same goes for greased landing i tried the below code but doesn't seems to be working for me as i am not getting an idea how to put < less than or > greater than values between the code please help.

    <?php if($pirep->landingrate == '> -750') {echo 'Hard Landing';} else {echo "{$pirep->landingrate} ft/min"; }?>

    how i can put different landing status?


  10. Hello everyone just need little help if for example from simpilot touchdown module i wanted to skip any of the aircraft how should i get the final result.

    from all the touchdowns i wanted one or more aircraft should not show up what will be the code i can use to skip any aircraft?

    i used this code but still no luck

    foreach($stats as $stat)
     $pilot = PilotData::getPilotData($stat->pilotid);
     $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($stat->aircraft);
     If($aircraft->code == “C172â€) { Continue; } else {
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td>'.PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid).' - '.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</td>';
     echo '<td>'.$aircraft->fullname.'</td>';
     echo '<td>'.$stat->arricao.'</td>';
     echo '<td>'.$stat->landingrate.'</td>';
     echo '<td>'.date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($stat->submitdate)).'</td>';
     echo '</tr>';

    Thank you

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