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  1. John

    Skinning Service

    System wont let me send you a PM, will you PM me your MSN details / email Regards John
  2. John

    Skinning Service

    Wow wow wow ...... I am not looking for a new template, rather just some pages of my php VMS site displayed on my my main site URL Maybe its best to PM or mail me, than I can show you the details Regards John
  3. John

    Skinning Service

    Carlos Have a look here and see if you can help http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2177-new-va-questions/ Regards John
  4. No probs, when ever you have a chance
  5. Thanks Nabeel Site is offline so I set up an account which I have PM'd to you to enter when prompted John
  6. The video tutorial (if its the right one), shows you how to manipulate a PHP template .... I haven't seen one were it shows you how to take parts out. Main issue I have is putting php in Joomla (as in HTML format) So my issue is converting PHP into HTML format ...... If you know what I mean
  7. Looks really good .... well done Am I right in assuming that's your PHP VMS with a different template. The template I am using is quite complex, its a Shape 5 template, I have numerous other sites (own business ones) were I have used Joomla, I don't come from a computer background and most of what I know I thought myself. The thing about joomla is (obviously) its very easy to work with, both of my other sites are moderately successful e-commorce sites and they were built soley on Joomla (pay template) with Joomla extensions / modules, which are basically upload to the server and postion. I have tweaked other things using basic html editing (position or colour) but that's kinda as far as I went. This is a little more complex though, as PHP VMS don't have modules to upload, so I am trying to find the HTML tables and putting them into my site I had played around with VAFS, that's was extremely easy as they give you all the information (coding) and its just a matter of putting in iframes. But all in all VAFS is very primitive looking and not all that user friendly, and I came across PHP VMS and I quite like it I am trying to learn as I go, the website its self is fully built, just having lots of fun trying to incorporate the PHP VMS information into the website (did I say fun ) But hey, I will get there and my philosophy in life is, once you learn you never forget
  8. Yes,that sort of thing ...... was playing about with trying to get the modules of PHP VMS into joomla (like new pilots), not as easy as it sounds, well not if your learning
  9. Nabeel Well it is now, I have decided to incorporate the sections of phpVMS (like pilot centre, Live Maps etc) in to my Joomla template (website). I just had too much work done on my site already .... and too many modules that I would need to code into on of the PHP VMS skins Is that possible, I know everything is possible but is it straight forward enough, iiisssssshhhhh Brian, if you have done this, I would be interested to look at your site if you dont mind ..... just to see the source code
  10. Nabeel Following your instructions and as usual, I must have missed something Originally I copied my Joomla template (a payware one I bought from Shape 5) into my skins folder After some deliberation on why it wouldn't work, I have come to the conclusion thats not what you asked me to do So am I right in assuming, I need to duplicate a skin in lib/skins and move all the content from my Joomla template into that folder. Its quite possible I am so far wrong you may giggle, all my live I have worked with Joomla and have little experience coding (some basic css and HTML) as you know with joomla, so much of it is moduleised and its just a matter of simple uploading and enabling Sorry if I am being a pain ..... Thanks again John
  11. Nabeel Thanks for your prompt reply. Thats good news with regards to XAcars ..... And I think I will do as you advised with regards to duplicating the template. If I become stuck at any stage, I will come back an ask Thanks again for your help Regards John
  12. Hi, Recently started work on a new VA ..... Came across your site and it seems you guys may have saved me a lot of time A few questions first, I have registered and successfully integrated php VMS in the back end and have a VA registered with you guys. To use XAcars, do I need to install the data they have on their website (I am aware for pilots we must put in the details on the application) but am I right to assume that now php VMS is installed, I don't need to do anything else server side for XAcars to work with our site. Secondly, I am using Joomla for the web interface, is it as straightforward as it seems to create a new skin whilst working with Joomla, I am sure it is, just wanted to ask. We were going to use VAFS and had played around with that but after coming past php VMS, I really don't see the point in paying them when ypou are offering a fantastic package for no charge (by the way, I will insure we will donate a nominal fee as a gesture, considering we were about to fork out a yearly subscription to VAFS) The thing I find very user friendly with VAFS was, we were able to display pilot page, live map etc with use of wrappers or iFrames, I assume that's not possible here. If those questions could be answered, I would be very thankful Regards John
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