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Posts posted by Ygoramalho

  1. What specific errors?

    Error in live flight map, appears the same pilot several times when the pilot completes the flight, keeps appearing on the same site with the updated múdulo Kacars.

    Php error when booking a flight, the button: Add to bid.

    Pilot error in statistics among other things.

    When tested on other hosting with the previous version, everything worked perfectly, the only thing that occurred was the problem that when the riders finish and send their flight they keep showing up on the site with status: In soil.

  2. Hello, this is my first post on phpvms forum.

    I have a little problem on the map live site.

    The flight is tracked properly, but when the pilot arrives at its destination airport, park, turn off the engine, put parking brakes concludes, sends the flight and closes the Kacars, the map also shows the pilot in flight with altitude, speed and distance at 0 and status: in Solo.

    Would you like a help to fix this problem, for when the riders send the flight, no longer looks at the live map, just who is with Kacars running.


    I use PHP version: 5.3 (can be changed)

    Have updated the Kacars module on the site.

    I await response, thank you.

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