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  1. Annnd we have it. In addition to changing to all caps, I created a new excel file and this time noticed that there are 2 options for CSV. one is excel the other Windows. I chose the "Windows" version this time and works beautifully. Thank you!
  2. I was hoping that was it. We are back to misreading entries Airline with code 13:00 PST does not exist! Skipping... Airline with code AN does not exist! Skipping... The import process is complete, added 0 schedules, updated 0, for a total of 0 Maybe I'll try dropping it to 2-3 flights and play with it to see what I get.
  3. I'll give it a shot and report back
  4. I am running into a bit of a challenge. I installed phpVMS on a new website yesterday in a very advanced environment, (meaning I can change some of my own settings...) I have so far found the answer to my other issues, but this one I am not finding. 1> I have downloaded the CSV template for uploading the schedules from my upload page. Entered into Excel, and have entered roughly 20 routes as a test. 2> I have had two occurrences when I try to upload. a> the first is a report of success(without naming any successful routes being added "The import process is complete, added 0 schedules, updated 0, for a total of 0" b> The second is where I will get a message "Airline with code 17.25 does not exist! Skipping..." meaning that it is reading the entries incorrectly. (I have verified that the information is entered in the correct place I have used the tool to enter them from the admin panel one at a time, so that part is working. ​Which leads me to believe something is wrong with the way I'm entering them into the CSV. VA schedule .csv
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