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  1. Reinstalled file, now all i get is a blank page http://virtualtcx.com/index.php/vStatsCenter/ Any ideas?
  2. My bad: So table was constructed and figures are shown http://virtualtcx.co...php/pages/table However no stats appear at http://virtualtcx.co...x.php/TopPilot/ Any ideas? Thanks Thomas
  3. I get this everytime for both this and the fleetracker: http://virtualtcx.com/index.php/vStatsCenter/ Any ideas?
  4. Hi, Tried to Install module, all files were placed where instructed. Table was installed using phpmyadmin and holds correct data (see attached image 'table') However nothing is seen on website, page is blank with no data (see attached image 'page') You'll notice it is the same problem as the post above Anyone know why? Thanks Thomas
  5. Introducing the brand new Virtual Thomas Cook, we offer a brand new website along with new staff and new pilots. We replicate the operations of Thomas Cook UK. Whether your just looking for something new or you want to step into the world of virtual Airlines for the first time VirtualTCX is perfect for you, please come and visit us at VirtualTCX.com Thanks - Thomas
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