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Everything posted by CactusDx

  1. @DisposableHero Thanks for the help, I was able to locate the .env file and update the app_url and that fixed the airport menu issue. Mike
  2. Thank you! I did try a forum search but wasn't finding anything. I'll do some reading on this. Thanks again. Mike
  3. Hello All, Major newbie and general phpVMS idiot here. Anyone know why my list of airports does not show up in the dropdown menus when trying to add flights? Thanks, Mike
  4. Thanks for the help, it's showing correctly now. Mike
  5. Thanks! Will have a look! Mike
  6. Hello All, I'm new to phpVMS and I'm not a programmer by any means. I have a friend working to help me get some things set up. I've noticed that the fuel weight in the system is currently set to KG. and I'm trying to find where to change it to LBS. Our ACARS application is capturing and reporting in LBS but the site is converting back to KG. Any help appreciated! Mike
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