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Everything posted by EvanM07

  1. Well I'm not looking to completely rip off the real airline's website. Just want it to be similar enough to look familiar.
  2. I'm looking for someone to make a very specific skin. I want it to look pretty similar to the real Spirit Airlines website. Its very yellow and black. Here is the real site: http://spirit.com/Default.aspx I've attempted to edit another skin to match how I want it and its not going as planned. Any help/quote would be greatly appreciated. Don't have a whole lot to spend but let me know what you think you might want and can come up with. Thank you very much!
  3. Still not finding a solution to this
  4. I tried changing that in the profile_main.tpl and it still the same
  5. What if I just wanted to use a hex code color instead of a background image?
  6. So in editing the style.css and the style2.css I have found out how to change the background. Unfortunately it sets it for every page. Is there a way to set a different background for say my Pilot Center page than there is on the front page?
  7. I would like to know how I can edit this further such as changing a few colors here and there, change some of the pictures of planes to my own, and add in the button to get to the admin panel.
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