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  1. VACentral is once again displaying your VA News from VAFlash.com on your airline page. Much thanks to VACentral's new owners for continuing this partnership! If you would like to submit news, please send it to editor@vaflash.com. Make sure your article contains about 100-300 words and the URL of your web site. Please also use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. All titles and posts may be edited by VAFLASH staff before release. Please also include a title for your post if possible. Depending on the news’ quality it will be posted, usually within 24-48 hours. News also is immediately Tweeted out and automatically posted to our Facebook page. Our Facebook page has over 2,000 likes...great exposure for your VA! VACentral TAGS Make sure you include your VA’s VACentral tag in your information. Just place the tag in the email, I’ll know what to do with it. You can find your VACentral tag by going to your VA page on VACentral. For example, Phoenix Virtual Airways’ URL is: http://www.vacentral...istings/detail/pva_phoenixvirtualairways. The red highlighted section is Phoenix Virtual Airway’s VACentral Tag. By including this tag, your news will show up on your VA’s VACentral page!! I look forward to helping you get the word out about your VA! -- Best Regards, Lindle Romero Owner/Operator VAFLASH.COM Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaflashsite Facebook: http://facebook.com/VAFlash
  2. If you would like to submit news, please send it to editor@vaflash.com . Make sure your article contains about 100-300 words and the URL of your web site. Please also use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. All titles and posts may be edited by VAFLASH staff before release. Please also include a title for your post if possible. Depending on the news’ quality it will be posted, usually within 24-48 hours. VACentral TAGS If your VA is listed on VACentral ; Make sure you include your VA’s VACentral tag in your information. In the form there is a place for it, in the email just place the tag in the email, I’ll know what to do with it. You can find your VACentral tag by going to your VA page on VACentral. For example, Kesuk Charters’ URL is: http://www.vacentral.net/airline/ksk_kesukcharters . The red highlighted section is Kesuk’s VACentral Tag. By including this tag, your VAFlash news will show up on your VA’s VACentral page!! -- Best Regards, Lindle Romero Owner/Operator VAFLASH.COM Twitter: http://twitter.com/vaflashsite Facebook: http://facebook.com/VAFlash
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