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Posts posted by Cub'X

  1. Hi Nabeel,

    as promised, I performed an analysis, extracting all the PIREP under Excel. So that, two news, one good, one ... let say ... different.

    The good one : the formula given is the right one, whatever the methodology used (line by line calculation the sum or sum then calculation). The calculation made initially on my side were wrong as they were based on 'flightime' column ... but this highlighted why I had a discrepancy in my intial calculation .....

    The other one : I've noticed that, if a pilot enter a manual PIREP with 1.2 for 1 hour and 20 minutes (forgetting the to enter it as 1.20), the system consider this as 1 hour and 2 minutes (normally entered as 1.02). I put an extract of the base as picture attached. I don't know whether in terms of development you consider this as normal behaviour or if I've identified a bug. That's why I'm reporting that here.

    Friendly yours,



  2. Implementing this formula gives me a total of 19 177.89, so it's close to 19 716.67 but it make a 9.2% difference. I'll export the table to Excel and make an analysis this afternoon. I'll keep you posted.


  3. Ouch, I implemented your correction. Something doesn't work as well somewhere.

    Pilot pay is 200 € / hr

    Total Hours Flown: 98.35

    normally I should have (98 x 200) + ((35 x 200) / 60) = 19 716.67 €.

    But I have for

    Month - - - - - - Pilot Pay

    2010-03 - - - - - € 4,638.00

    2010-04 - - - - - € 12,872.00

    Sum of pilot pay is equal to 4638 + 12 872 = 17 710 € ... it's now closer to the reality but something doesn't work properly. I went to phpvms_pirep and checked. I don't see any change here (pilotpay is 200 everywhere)

    Additional : pilotpay in financial data should be presented like that (€ 4,638.00) as it's not a profit in YEaly and Summary view.

  4. Hello

    I think I have the same problem. (see attached screenshots)

    In our VA, we've only one rank and only on rate : 200 euros / hour from the beginning (March 2010 ... a very your VA)

    As of today, the total hours flown is 98.35 so that we shouldnt have more than : (98 x 200) + ((35 x 200) / 60) = 19 716.67 eur.

    For March 2010, we've a total of 74 208 eur

    For April 2010, we've a total of 604 984 eur ... so that on this trend, we'll be very close to the virtual bankrupcy in a couple of month. I didn't went in deep to the code but I think it's a small bug somewhere. See a hardcopy as attached document

    Friendly yours



  5. Hi,

    I upgraded to the beta 2.1.906. The live map was working fine before and doesn't work correctly now. Following the answer to the open ticket, please find the information requested.

    Question 1 :

    are you on the stock 'core_htmlhead.tpl' file?

    Answer :

    Yes - I revert to the standard Crystal layout to perform a comparative test. Same result.

    Question 2 :Also are there any Javascript errors, Check the firefox error log. Also, what browser and version?

    Answer 2 : Browser version used is Firefox 3.6 latest version. KO

    Error #1

    Error : missing ) after argument list

    Source file : http://@@@@@/index.php/acars

    Line : 63, Column : 49

    Code Source :

    center: new google.maps.LatLng(48.514400, 002.213000),


    Error #2

    Error : acars_map_defaults is not defined

    Source file : http://@@@@@/lib/js/acarsmap.js

    Line : 36

    Answer 2 : Browser Google Chrome, lastest version : KO

    center: new google.maps.LatLng(48.514400, 002.213000),

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number

    var options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, acars_map_defaults);

    Uncaught ReferenceError: acars_map_defaults is not defined

    Answer 2 : Browser Opera, lastest version : OK ?

    I can see the map with my latest file, Acars closed.

    Only CSS errors with no consequences

    CSS - http://@@@@@/lib/skins/crystal/styles.css

    Linked-in stylesheet

    Invalid value for property: background-image

    Line 70:

    sorter thead tr .headerSortUp { background-image: url(images/asc.gif) no-repeat;


    CSS - http://@@@@@/lib/skins/crystal/styles.css

    Linked-in stylesheet

    Invalid value for property: background-image

    Line 71:

    ter thead tr .headerSortDown { background-image: url(images/desc.gif) no-repeat;


    CSS - http://@@@@@/lib/skins/crystal/styles.css

    Linked-in stylesheet

    Declaration syntax error

    Line 122:

    .ui-tabs-disabled { opacity: .4; filter: alpha(opacity=40); }


    CSS - http://@@@@@/lib/css/phpvms.css

    Linked-in stylesheet

    Declaration syntax error

    Line 40:

    cument.documentElement.offsetHeight || document.body.clientHeight) / 100)+'px')}


    CSS - http://@@@@@/lib/css/phpvms.css

    Linked-in stylesheet

    Declaration syntax error

    Line 67:

    .ui-tabs-disabled{ opacity:.4; filter:alpha(opacity=40)}


    Answer 2 : Safari, 4.0.4 (531.21.10): KO

    center: new google.maps.LatLng(48.514400, 002.213000),

    SyntaxError: Parse error

    var options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, acars_map_defaults);

    Uncaught ReferenceError: acars_map_defaults is not defined

    Answer 2 : Internet Explorer 7 latest version : KO

    cant copy / paste the error as it's a full French descritpion, but 2 errors detected on Javascript.

    For tonight, I'm reverting now to the "Cub'X Airlines" layout for not disturbing pilote.

    Notice that core_htmlhead.tpl is the same whatever the layout is.

    Notice that acarsmap.tpl is the same whatever the layout is (only translation in French is updated for column headers).



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