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Everything posted by selje82

  1. I will give it a try, and message back when I have done it
  2. Great Thanks for the quick respond, and tank you for helping out
  3. It's difficult when the Connect to VA doesn't work. I know from experience that for example USAirways got that button to work on the following way: - When you click that button, you get the bids/bookings from your webpage imported directly into FSAcars. This takes PIREP errors down to a minimum. Then the pilot only has to put in the route he was flying. The flight number, dep ICAO, arr ICAO, aircraft type and pilot number is allready imported. Also I mean that IF a pilot submitts a pirep from FSAcars, and when I get it in my admin panel, there should be a option for me to go inside that pirep and edit it. Like if the pirep was sumbitted with wrong aircraft, wrong route number, I as a admin could edit that, then accept it. Now the only possible choises are: Accept, Decline and send notes. If it could be a edit button, this system could really work.
  4. Ok. Thanks for the information. I think it is to difficult to use this system. When I, a virtual pilot with over 1000 logged hours can register a flight with errors and I'm not able to change it afterwards. Strange system. What about new pilots and unexperienced pilots, do you really think they can use this system without submitting errors? Don't think so. I think you should work towards that the bids imports directly into FSAcars, and then you take down the perecent of error submittings.
  5. Do we have a soloution to this? Look at my web site, http://www.virtualsterling.net. I was testing the acars system, and it didnt log the flight hours on my pilot center.Also, is there any way to feed FSAcars with some pre-information, like Dep.ICAO, Arr.ICAO, and other information, just by doing a click in the FSAcars program. Like Load from VA, is it possible to link this to the database at our website?
  6. Look at the attached file for how the forum looks in Explorer. It's not my explorer which has gone badly, I have tried it on my two computers, and at my office. fsscr000.jpg
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