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  1. Nojus1113#1532
  2. Oh well, time to upload CrewCenter... it will take like 10yrs for it to finish beacuse it goes like 650B/s XD
  3. this has turned into a discord server or something lol not a forum
  4. How did you get CrewCenter working?!?!?? EDIT: I have wanted crewcenter but I could not get it working
  5. Hi, do any of you guys know what is the link to the login page, not form?
  6. No thanks, my host is okay, I have been using it for a long time now and so far no issues. Also, I am working on custom error pages.
  7. Thanks, I am working on the form right now actually.
  8. I have no registration form done yet, it should be the default phpVMS one.
  9. <div class="mbr-section-btn"><a class="btn btn-md btn-white-outline display-4" href="https://nair.cf/phpvms0/index.php/profile"><span class="mbri-login mbr-iconfont mbr-iconfont-btn"></span>Login</a></div>
  10. Still nothing.
  11. Don't have a template for that
  12. Trying it right now, will see how it goes.
  13. Also, logout works, only the login does not.
  14. No, I want a booking for passengers, not pilots.
  15. Hi, I am currently developing a custom skin, but when I press the button to login, it does not bring up the page. (I have not changed the login page yet.) URL: http://vms.nair.cf
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