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  1. Thanks.
  2. Hi all, just currently setting up a testing phpvms on localhost. However, I've tried skinning myself and have looked at guides on how to do so but i cannot figure out on how I can start skinning with CSS? I'm getting a little confused. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
  3. Hi all, I'm having some problems. I'm trying to create a repaint for a virtual airline. I'm using Photoshop CS6 to create the repaint, I've been following youtube videos on how to repaint aircrafts. I seem to be doing really well, Creating textures, converting to DDS, creating the correct files on fsx. The problem starts when opening the repainted aircraft in fsx. Take a look at the attached images to see what the problem is. Any ideas on what is wrong, please contact me. Thanks.
  4. Hi guys, Me and a few others are starting up a virtual airline. We have our skin installed and we are currently editing it. I would kindly ask if anyone has a spare five minutes to help us with things such as live flight arrivals boards etc. Thanks.
  5. How do I change the Ready for something new? on the banner.
  6. Jevans

    JAJ virtual

    Good evening everyone. After the feedback we received from my previous post, about easyJet Virtual, we have decided to close it down. We have now decided to open a fictional VA, called 'JAJ Virtual'. We are looking for anyone, with experience on PHPVMS, to create a skin for our website. As we are not putting, or earning any money into this, we will not be paying for this skin. If you would like to do the skin, email me at jarred.evans@gmx.com or contact me on PHPVMS. Thanks, JAJ Virtual.
  7. Hi all, right me and a team are creating a virtual airline for easyJet, we sent them an email yesterday explaining and still waiting for a reply back. However, the staff at easyJet va have created roles etc and have done the information and routes the our virtual airline website. We are a non-profit organisation meaning that we do not pay, everything is done free, yes, this may seems strange to some, but we are going to give this our best shot here at easyJet va. So back to the subject, we need a experience person with phpvms and html to help us create a simply but interesting theme skin for us. This will be done at no cost, We understand that you would have worked hard to help us with the skin but we are a non-profit-organisation. If you are interested, either drop me an email on phpvms forums or email us at jack.wilkinson@gmx.com. thank you.
  8. Does anyone know on where I'm able to find the admin centre on this theme Arctic theme. Thanks.
  9. Hi all, do any of you know on how I could insert a screen short centre into phpvms, where users can upload their screenshots etc. Thanks. I've created the page etc, just don't know on how to get some upload thing so that people can upload their screenshots. Thanks.
  10. Ok, thanks guys for your posts.
  11. Hey guys, I'm looking to create a new virtual airline. I was thinking maybe one or two of you on this forum would like to help me. I don't want go get into any illegal stuff with this, so I am creating my own name for my virtual airline etc. I just need some ideas on what I could name it. Also, I plan for the virtual airline to be voluntary, meaning that everything will be done at no cost, including the domain. I also plan for it to be a UK based airliner. PM me or post if your interested. Thanks.
  12. Would anyone be Interested in helping me to create a virtual airline from scratch. With a name for the virtual airline, a logo, the fleet, the repaints etc. Also I would if anyone was to help me to create a virtual airline it would be done as voluntary work. If anyone is interest then please drop me an email. Thanks.
  13. Hey guys ok, I am making the virtual website for Easyjet Virtual, however I am 15 and I have no bank accounts etc. Would someone on her just consider of doing a very basic skin for me for free please for I can use just for now whilst I put in the settings of my VA Aircrafts, airports etc. Thank you evansjarred00@gmail.com
  14. how do you change the colours
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