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Everything posted by Benjamin5896

  1. Thanks for letting me know. It was my AdBlocker all along.
  2. Same for me, but I have found it is not just StislaSkin. SimBrief deleted http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/flightplans/xml/.xml which is a file the module relies on.
  3. I’ve had multiple friends sign up and they didn’t experience any problems. I’ve also had new pilots sign up without any issues. I enabled the auto-confirm setting for new registrations but I don’t know how that is working with the way CrewCenter is setup e.g. the pages after registration. Edit: I disabled it yesterday seeing it didn’t auto-accept.
  4. I went to check one last time before I reinstalled phpVMS and everything worked again. I don't know why but it has saved me a lot of work. Thanks for the help anyway.
  5. I realise what’s the problem with the registration page. I taken out the code to show the drop down menu to pick what airline you want to sign up for, meaning it has nothing to put in that table in the database. As for the profile page, I will reinstall phpVMS tomorrow and see how it goes.
  6. I just settled on a website control panel on my VPS. However, after uploading my website's files, I discovered a problem. The CrewCenter profile page doesn't load any of the CSS or anything in the layout.php. All other pages work. Here is a screenshot: https://gyazo.com/ca125a32d436c6f14f04ed6e7eb12ce8. Does anyone know of a way I could fix this issue?
  7. We are looking for Devs to hire.
  8. We got rid of divisons, it was too much work.
  9. Someone from the forums helped me, and they did the registrations. Im currently adding airports and schedules and fleet.
  10. I've got some news here. Firstly, we have added more modules, and customized the PilotCentre (Customized CrewCenter Skin). We have redesigned the main site, which is on wordpress. Changed hosting providers to a more stable, faster service. After my dumb self found we were using Birmingham or some airport in England instead of EGFF, I changed it quickly, we now have divisions, such as American Airways, Asian Airways etc to cover all continents. We currently have 7 pilots and 31 members in our Discord server. We fly all around the world. We mainly operate passenger flights. Website: https://welshairways.com Discord: https://discord.gg/MReXhak Description of VA Website: Welsh Airways (ICAO: WAW) is a virtual airline representing Wales in the flight simulator community, run by flight simulator community members proud to be Welsh! We fly in and out of Cardiff International Airport (ICAO: EGFF) to over 25 destinations with more being added every week! We are a fictional airline and that allows us to do anything and not be restricted by real world airlines! Our state of the art PilotCentre allows our pilots to easily control their Welsh Airways experience. We thrive on community feedback and we will always take every piece of feedback into consideration! With our mix of classic and modern airliners, there is an aircraft for everyone. With our screenshot gallery, pilots can upload their own screenshots and other pilots can rate and comment!
  11. I would never think someone would actually donate. Im using wordpress and it wont let me change the colour, ProAvia is helping me with the destinations thing. Im waiting for my livery maker to make the livery, just a friend trying for the first time. As the PilotCentre is on a subdomain it looks weird without the skin. My hosting provider doesnt allow for the page to be shown in a block.
  12. Whoever is reacting with confused. Please have the confidence to give feedback and reply. What are you confused about?
  13. Maybe I should clear some things up, we were originally AirWales Virtual. Not to be confused with Air Wales Virtual IKR. So we rebranded, got a .com instead of a .tk and redesgined everything. Its still a work in progress but I hope people can join the journey with us.
  14. After the rebrand, we are ready to launch! Join for an amazing experience at Welsh Airways! Fly the amazing virtual welsh skies! Join now! http://welshairways.com/
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