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  1. Hello Doug, I tried that way. I took the TAR link from Discord, I downloaded on the server using wget, I extracted the files, I put them in the appropriate web folder. I checked again the permissions. Now even the CSS seems to be wrong. And the /install is "not found". I don't see how differently I can do it. I'm trying it on a different hosting to see if the issue is coming from my server, but I'm running PHP v7.3 on Apache (Ubuntu distro) and I've never had such an issue. Jonatan
  2. Hello, I tried to download the latest files and reinstall it. Now I get the home page with no logo and when I click to launch the installer, it's a 404. You can check it here: https://www.palmacharter.eu/ So far I tried beta 3, beta 4 and the latest source files. Beta 3 and beta 4 give me a white page, nothing starting. Permissions are correctly set and I even tried with a 777 on the whole directory + recursive. Nothing in the logs. Jonatan
  3. Good evening, I have an issue. I downloaded the latest build of phpVMS on my Linux server. When I go to the URL, it starts the install process. I set the MySQL credentials, the connection test is successful. However when I click for the next step, it reloads the same page. Neither the database.php nor the database itself are impacted. Any clue? Thanks.
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