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Everything posted by GrizzW

  1. Anyone?
  2. Just a quick question about how other VA's handle this problem. As of this morning, FBO Clay Lacey Aviation/KBFI is charging for 100LL Avgas $7.07/gal. = $1.18/lb. and for Jet A $5.95/gal. = $0.87/lb. That is quite a difference, so how do you get around only having one fuel unit in PHPvms, and still try to reach realism with your VA expenses? Kind Regards Grizz
  3. Not sure how to troubleshoot this. The pilot's rank is not updating when we get promotions. Went into admin and recalculated the ranks but still no change. Where should I start looking? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Kind Regards, Grizz
  4. Thanks for your responses. If I can't figure it out I'll contact Nabeel, he's my host. Regards, Grizz
  5. I have tried re-setting password for my cpanel. Went through the reset, let vms reset password and followed instructions. Recieved password and pasted it into my cPanel log in and it says that login is invalid. Want to reset both user name and password, but I am now lost without any idea to accomplish that task. Any ideas? Would apprediate your thoughts. Kind Regards, Grizz Wallace
  6. This is really good. Are you going to set up hooks for cycles as well? I would like to see a big red AOG show up when an aircraft is out for maintenance and/or damage repair? When you talk about payware, can you give me an idea of a ballpark figure as to what you will be charging when you complete this addon? Kind Regards Grizz Wallace
  7. Is this still a viable addon for PHPvms? Is anyone pursuing maintenance/penalty/pilot bonus inclusion feature? Kind Regards, Grizz Wallace
  8. Thanks. Using cPanel>File manager> found numbers 1&2, but how do I launch them (run)? Regards Grizz
  9. Hi all, Okay, the commitment is made, my own VA. I would like your advice as to how to become a more confident administrator and better operator. Should I study and learn: HTML, PHP and CSS? Will basic understanding of these programming languages help me to administer my VA? Any books, DVDs, video tutorials, that you suggest? Not even enough knowledge to even be called a Noob yet! Kind Regards Grizz Wallace
  10. Absolute beginner here. 1. How do I run installcheck? 2. How to run checkdb? 3. How do i delete PHPvms and start over again? (wipe out everything) 4. Or how can i get back to this screen attached? Seems things are so messed up it's beyond repair. Any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks and Kind Regards Grizz Wallace
  11. I have decided to start my own VA. So far I have domain name, hosting by Fivedev all set up. Here's the problem: Can't seem to get it together. Is there some knowledgeable person who would be willing to get on TeamSpeak along with TeamViewer and help me finish my install and set up my VA? I am retired/disabeled so no money to spare. If I can get PHPvms installed and operatng I want to finish the setup using kACARS. It's this beginning part that I seem not to be able to complete. So what do you think. I live near Seattle and my time zone is Pacific Standard. Look forward to hearng from someone. I can be available at your convience. Moderator: If this is innapproate please delete. Thank you and Kind Regards Grizz Wallace Near KBFI
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