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Everything posted by vsa36

  1. Allow us to building your Virtual Airline front end site. We can provide phpVMS installation only. Get a quote here: https://sewebdevelopment.com/client-portal/forms/quote/2fe0ce0f4eb60273bd1ce38549ac4101?styled=1&with_logo=1 Email: russell@skyvirtual.org ***Disclaimer - We DO NOT sell phpVMS but only provide installation for a fee.***
  2. Custom Virtual Airline Website Looking for a front-end Virtual Airline website? Allow us to build and develop your perfect front-end Virtual Airline website. Stand out from the rest with a custom VA website. Hosting & Domain registration can be provided. Combine this with your Pilot Crew Center. Custom email addresses for your staff. S.E. Web Development (sewebdevelopment.com) https://skyvirtual.org phpVMS Install Only Install Only: phpVMS v7 only Having a hard time and/or getting errors installing your phpVMS software? We at VSA will install the phpVMS software for you to your URL on your server. The price includes only the install with no custom work. We will install your phpVMS software and turn it over to you. You will get a full basic install only. No mods or additional content. No custom work. You will be able to log in, hire pilots, and use the ACARS if you purchased it. All phpVMS software is free and we are only providing the service to install. If you would like development updates installed, we can provide that as well. Please make sure your server meets the requirements to host phpVMS v7 $40 - without ACARS $50 - with ACARS $5 - Per Dev Update to install S.E. Web Development (sewebdevelopment.com) Email us at: russell@skyvirtual.org
  3. You can email me at russell@skyvirtual.org
  4. Are you still looking for this?
  5. Is this something your still looking for?
  6. Virtual Airline Hosting Create a front end website with a website builder. We only provide hosting and domain name registration. Custom Emails for your staff. Free Installation of phpVMS to get you up and running. Free Domain with Annual Package Free Sub-Domains Free Database/s ORDER HERE
  7. Good morning. This maybe something I can help you with.
  8. Are you looking for a Virtual Airline with minimal rules? Fly Any Aircraft, Any Where, Any Time? Then we have a VA for you; Virtual Sky Aviation. We tailor to the general aviation pilot, commercial pilot, and airline pilot. Looking for some instruction? Pick up a course at the VSA Academy Want to connect with other sim pilots alike? Check out PilotSpace. Come check out Virtual Sky Aviation.
  9. No support only an install. We will walk the user through together to make sure all pages are working and the ACARS works properly and is tracking flights. Will not write or modify any files at this time.
  10. phpVMS v7 only Having a hard time and/or getting errors installing your phpVMS software? We at VSA will install the phpVMS software for you to your URL on your server. The price includes only the install with no custom work. We will install your phpVMS software and turn it over to you. You will get a full basic install only. No mods or additional content. No custom work. You will able to log in, hire pilots, and use the ACARS if you purchased it. All phpVMS software is free and we are only providing the service to install. If you would like development updates installed we can provide that as well. Please make sure your server meets the requirements to host phpVMS v7 $40 - without ACARS $50 - with ACARS $5 - Per Dev Update to install russell@skyvirtual.org
  11. Virtual Sky Aviation (www.skyvirtual.org) loves your theme and we continue to get positive feedback thus far. Thank you very much for the hard work and keep it up brother. v/r, Russell
  12. What is your Discord?
  13. I see what you mean. I can't search my flight schedule either. I can see where I have a flight bid in though. My vmsACARS also quits responding when I click start flight with X-Plane.
  14. I can load my flight bid but when I select start flight the ACARS quits responding. Some of my pilots have gotten it to work with P3D and FSX. This seems to be an X-Plane 11 issue I think. Thanks.
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