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  1. Hello @DisposableHero, that doesn't sound so nice, but I would also be interested in your solution. Why can't you make this available to everyone? I would pay for it too your addons are great. If you know that the module/plugin is linked to the php VMS version, you just have to wait with the main update. Best regards, Thomas
  2. Hello everyone, I've noticed that on long flights, costs quickly go into the negative. For bookable flights, I can adjust the costs when creating the flight. For free flights, however, only the default value from the subfleet configuration (Flares) is used. Is there a way to adjust the costs so that long flights are not unprofitable, but short-haul flights don’t become overly profitable? Maybe a dynamic adjustment or an alternative calculation method? Additionally, I’m wondering if I might have set up Flares incorrectly or not optimally. Are there any recommended best practices for configuring them to ensure a balanced cost structure? I’d appreciate any ideas or suggestions! Best regards, Thomas
  3. Hello everyone, I have a question if the cronjobs are executed with these warnings. 1. are there any problems here? There are no problems with the WebCron. 2. I always have problems with cancelled pireps these are not deleted (at least not overnight) 3. the statistics are only updated once a night? I would like to update them more often, is that possible? Thanks & Greetings Thomas WebCron: Geplante Aufgabe ausführen Die Aufgabe "https://german-sky-group.com/api/cron/XXXXXXXXXX31A" wurde erfolgreich in 5 Sekunden abgeschlossen Url 'https://german-sky-group.com/api/cron/XXXXXXXXXXXXX31A' fetched Status: 200 Output: {"count":1,"tasks":["cron:queue"]} Cron: Geplante Aufgabe ausführen Die Aufgabe "httpdocs/phpvms/bin/cron" wurde erfolgreich in 6 Sekunden abgeschlossen 7.0.3+250204.05d731 <warning>Creation of dynamic property Illuminate\Queue\WorkerOptions::$jobs is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/german-sky-group.com/httpdocs/phpvms/vendor/queueworker/sansdaemon/src/Console/WorkCommand.php on line 65</warning> <warning>Creation of dynamic property Illuminate\Queue\WorkerOptions::$maxExecutionTime is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/german-sky-group.com/httpdocs/phpvms/vendor/queueworker/sansdaemon/src/Console/WorkCommand.php on line 66</warning> {"count":1,"tasks"...
  4. I would like to give it a try. Thank you for your support.
  5. Hello, can you tell me how / where I can customise the page dp_page. Unfortunately I have not found the path to the page Thank you & greetings
  6. Hi, thanks for the customisation. I have a few more questions. - What is the status of the reported error with the free flights? - I also noticed that when I set the menu to small, it becomes large again the next time I click on another page Thanks again for the design and your help 🙂
  7. Thanks, everything worked smoothly after deletion 🙂
  8. the files have all been copied and are now located somewhere else. old :xxx/phpvms/modules/DisposableBasic/db_helpers.php after the move:httpdocs /phpvms /modules /DisposableBasic
  9. Hello Community, I'm currently migrating my phpVMS installation to a new web host and changing the domain at the same time. I have transferred all the files, imported the database, and cleared the cache. Now I'm encountering the following issue: include(/home/XXXXX/phpvms/modules/DisposableBasic/db_helpers.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory or: include(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(XXXX/phpvms/modules/DisposableBasic/db_helpers.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/XXXX/:/tmp/) This error message indicates that the file db_helpers.php cannot be found in the specified directory. Possible causes could be: File is missing or was not transferred correctly: Perhaps the file was not copied during the migration or is located in a different directory. Incorrect path in the configuration: Possibly a configuration file or an include statement is referencing an outdated path. Are there any settings in phpVMS where the path to the modules or specifically to db_helpers.php is defined? My questions to you: What steps should be taken to ensure that all necessary files, especially db_helpers.php, are correctly present and in the right location? Are there any known adjustments in the phpVMS configuration that need to be considered during a host and domain migration to avoid such path issues? Do you have any tips on how best to proceed when the include path appears to be incorrect? Thank you very much for your support and your tips!
  10. I have discovered an error I have several airlines and cannot book a free flight. - Select airline window does not go away by itself - No airplanes are displayed - no booking possible
  11. Hello everyone, I have a question regarding passenger numbers and cargo calculation per aircraft. These values are set in the Fares section. However, the same aircraft type can have different configurations. Is it possible to send the values dynamically to SimBrief using "AUTO" so that SimBrief calculates the passenger count and cargo weight based on the specific aircraft configuration? These values could then be automatically transferred back to phpVMS. This would reduce the maintenance effort and prevent issues when an aircraft has a different configuration than the one predefined. I hope I have explained my request clearly. Thanks in advance for your answers! Best regards, IFL442
  12. Hello, is it possible to watch a demo? What about updates? Thanks and greetings from Germany Thomas
  13. IFL442

    Pirep Issues

    Is it possible to see the ACARS pireps from all pilots. I can only assemble the link from the admin area and watch the pireps from other pilots. Thanks and greetings from Germany Thomas
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