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Everything posted by DanFlutter

  1. For anyone looking for a module that does this functionality of hosting events for the VA, Cardinal Horizon just launched a great module which does exactly that You can find the CHEvents here https://github.com/cardinalhorizon/CHEvents Thanks!
  2. Hi, I know this question is 5 years old. However, It would be very useful to get a list of required fields to be imported into MySQL. From IBEva, we also have the data exports about the former system we are still using. We can eventually do some ETL on this data and transform it to the same format as required by PHPvms 7. I know that Fleets, Pilots, and other types of data could be imported successfully using CSV. However, we know that this option is not available for Pireps. Is there any proper method to import this data into the system using a proper Laravel class to do this? Or the only valid method to import the data is writing the data directly into the database as a db import? Also, putting data directly into the Pireps table would not affect calculations for hour count for each pilot and also for fleets.
  3. Hi everyone: My name is Daniel, I'm working on the Iberia, Iberia Express and Air Nostrum Airline for Grupo Iberia Virtual at https://www.iberiava.net Currently, we are implementing PHPVMS 7 with the Disposable extended and we are configuring a brand new environment, as we were using a custom system that we are unable to provide support anymore. Of course, deploying an entire new environment and importing all the data we have previously is a titanic work that would take months to complete as we need to start from zero with the phpvms7. While browsing all the features offered by phpvms, I found that some functionalities are onboarded through disposable modules, like the Tours feature. However, I could not find how to create or manage "events" or fly-in events. We are mostly focused on the scheduled flights, but a big part of our community relies heavily on Tours and Events. I was looking how feature can be added using a custom-made or existing module that could satisfy this requirement. Is there anything existing in the market or shall we request to a developer to create this custom module about this. Thanks a lot
  4. Hi everyone: Thanks for the details in this issue, I will try the workarounds described above. I installed phpvms 7 dev branch in a local delployment and worked perfectly. However, when I moved this install to the hosting server and changed the details in the .env file for db, everything seemed to be working perfectly, except for the pulldowns for the airports anywhere on the site. Definitely is a "cross-origin scripting error because the local install with the subdomain "localops.virtualairline.com", works just fine. I've changed last night the APP_URL to reflect the new URL name, I will check today after clearing the cache if this fixed it. Also, I've imported a list of all airports in the world, I think there are about 14k, and if this affects negatively in some way I will replace it with the list published by filipet Thanks! UPDATE: Just fixed- I've validated that the APP_URL was the correct one, and as we are forcing all connections to Secure (https), also validated the APP_URL says https://ops.airline.net for example and not just http://, and cleared all the caches, views and application, this just fixed the airport dropdown list issue.
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