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Everything posted by Aharon

  1. Thanks for tip, Disposablehero
  2. My apologies for posting on wrong subforum. Since I am new on the forum, I did not realize there are different subforums for ASCARS. Anyway I finally solved the mystery. The funny thing is that regarding the three buttons on upper right corner of ASCARS, I thought all the time that this was for flights not realizing that this was for adding more virtual airlines!! Thanks for reply. What subforum is for tech support for latest version of phpVMS version 5.x or 2.x please? Regards, Aharon
  3. Shalom and greetings tech support, I have no problem using your fine ASCARS to fly for virtual airline. However, I cannot figure out how to get few airlines into SINGLE Ascars. I fly for Alaska Adventures at https://www.flyaka.com/ and for Pacific Northwest Cargo https://pnwcargo.com/. I am told by the owner of both virtual airlines mentioned above that I can use choice of the two virtual airlines in SINGLE Ascars but I cannot figure out how. I installed ASCARS for PNW and it worked well. I installed ASCARS for AKA but it switched to AKA and did not show PNW in the same ASCARS. How do I get more than one virtual airline in SINGLE Ascars, please?? Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerely, Aharon
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