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N730AN last won the day on February 3 2024

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  1. I solved the problem by opening the console - there was an extra + in the airport_search.blade.php file. Thank you so much for your help!!
  2. Hi, I already looked at both of these posts and haven't been able to fix the error still. Something I've noticed is that in their screenshots the dropdown says "Searching..." but for me the dropdown says Searching for a little bit and then just says The results could not be loaded. I already verified that my APP_URL says https and then the URL of my website. Could there be any other possible CORS issue? Should the APP_URL be <website URL>/phpvms instead of <website URL>? Thank you so much for your help. I am using disposable theme and it looks splendid!
  3. Hi everyone! I am new to phpVMS and website creation, so please excuse me, but this is completely stumping me. I have added EGLL and KIAD in the airports section, but when I try to create new flights, I cannot find these airports in the dropdowns. I already checked that my .env APP_URL is correct for the mySQL databse, but I'm not sure what else could be causing this. Does anyone have any ideas? Your help is much appreciated.
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