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Everything posted by a7c12a5

  1. @DisposableHeroupdated the code and generated a sample json with the fares based on the default profiles https://github.com/aerocaribbeanva/phpvms-utilities/tree/main/phpvms7-fares I was able to use https://www.simbrief.com/api/inputs.airframes.json
  2. @DisposableHero On ``` Please note; If your PhpVms weight settings are KG, just convert the amount you found to kilograms before adjusting the cargo fare capacity. ``` You mean convert from kg to lbs? Also, is this still valid? Regardles my configured units the cargo fare would always be stored in phpvmsv7 db units which are lbs. So I have to always put that in lbs regardles my setting.
  3. Yes that is what I wanted just define some basic fares and at least do them programmatically. Since the briefing would pick up the default profiles most of the time that would work great. The seat configuration is something I defined outside of simbrief and based on the max pax from simbrief I can adjust the fare for the subfleet. The information I need is available but I probably need to use php to use the simbrief api. Unless simbrief can provide me a json endpoint where I can retrieve the aircraft data by the icao or internal id. Thanks for the input @DisposableHero. I'll let you know if I'm able to do something.
  4. Hi @DisposableHero thanks for the reply. I want to do #2 that initial fare setup. I haven't tied the subfleets to specific simbrief airframes. When I do the briefing I get the dropdown. I would like to at least design generic subfleets which have fares based on the simbrief default profiles. Later as specific subfleets get defined for specific add ons I can work the setup just for that. I mainly wanted to do an initial setup like this for example Here is and idea of what I'm trying to achieve https://github.com/aerocaribbeanva/phpvms-utilities/tree/main/phpvms7-fares What I'm trying is to read the default simbrief profiles to define the fares. For subfleets for specific add ons I can create the fares with that specific aircraft simbrief profile
  5. Thanks I'm trying to set my subfleets and fares and need to figure out how to define the simbrief defaults.
  6. Hi after reading V7 Guide How to set up fares I would like to set up my fares using the simbrief default profiles and 4 fares similar to the guide Economy,Business, First Class and Cargo. Does anyone know how we can programatically retrieve the simbrief default profiles aircrafts data so I can build de fares by the aircraft ICAO. Each subfleet maps to a default simbrief profile by the aircraft ICAO. Any Freighter aircraft would have its own subfleet. I just want to avoid doing this one by one. 😬 Thanks for the assistance.
  7. Thanks @DisposableHerohopefully everything works out. Thanks for all the work you have done.
  8. Yes, we are working on moving to v7. Thanks @ProAvia
  9. @DisposableHero is this part of one of your modules in v7. I'm starting to work on setting one up using your modules. Also do you know of for v5 someone already did something similar and shared it with the community?
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