We have imported our information from the older php v5 and now using the latest php v7.
The pilots who once had admin roles from the previous version are still admins. The challenge is, we cannot seem to remove that role from the pilots. When we go to the user page, click user, edit the role (remove admin), when it saved, the role comes back. Can you shed some light on that please?
Further, we are having some issues with the pagination. Pages 1,2 and 3 work fine, then page 4 isn't, then page 5, 6, 7 works, then another doesn't. The one that does not, gives the 500 | Server Error
Another question. In the ACARS, should it not be that if a pilot is restricted to a fleet via ranking, it does not show up in the acars? So If I am an FO, and the flight has a subfleet of an CA, it should not show up on the front end of the site nor on the ACARS. Is that the correct logic? To add to that, if I am an admin, with a rank of an FO, would that override the subfleet restriction?
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.