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  1. I've tried moving and overwriting the vmsacars module again (after i got the update notice) and performing the update in the admin section to no avail, but since its not a to essential feature for me at the moment i will just ignore it for now. Thanks for your input anyway. Regards, Philipp
  2. Hi thanks for the reply sry for the bother but it seems the issue is not related to the disposable theme since it persists when switching to the default theme. If you dont mind to clarify i assumed the acars would be updated via the maintenance tab aswell? Regards Philipp
  3. Hi, accessing the live map, when there is a flight active via the vmsacars results in this error: [previous exception] [object] (GeoJson\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Position elements must be integers or floats at /mnt/web502/c3/83/559619683/htdocs/airline/vendor/jmikola/geojson/src/Geometry/Point.php:39) Laravel log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LMstbt3aCj05WhuYQ8Lh-Udm7DIXDhe1/view?usp=sharing Everything else works as intended, i am using the most recent phpvms dev version, php 8.1 (tried 8.2 aswell) updated phpvms acars etc. Once there are no active flights anymore, the page works showing the default position (north america). Regards, Philipp
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