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hoktay-istanbul's Achievements


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  1. Hello everybody, We pilots login with password and id, than change page. but don't go to pilot center. I show this error Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/istanbu8/public_html/core/modules/staff/staff.php:41) in /home/istanbu8/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 143 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/istanbu8/public_html/core/modules/staff/staff.php:41) in /home/istanbu8/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 154 How can i fix it thanks very much
  2. ===== Time: 09.25.10 00:52:32 ===== Time: 09.25.10 00:52:32 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > include Query: SET NAMES 'utf-8' Error: (1115) - Unknown character set: 'utf-8' ===== === here is log.txt. please help. Thanks
  3. Yes sir, I try different Acars program doesn't. Always i see database error sir. Kacars, FSacars, Xacars, Fspassenger. but i see on live map. but i send pirep " data baase error or connection error". thanks
  4. yes sir. I have got a 2 pvpvms website. First one is istanbulva.org. All acars program send log to istanbulva.org database. I haven't got any error. But in antalyava.org doesn't work acars programs. But I see the live map planes. i see the database flight. But don't send report. I click the send button, I show error database connect. I don't understand anything this error. thanks regards
  5. Checking phpvms_acarsdata...OK Checking phpvms_adminlog...OK Checking phpvms_aircraft...OK Checking phpvms_airlines...OK Checking phpvms_airports...OK Checking phpvms_awards...OK Checking phpvms_awardsgranted...OK Checking phpvms_bids...OK Checking phpvms_customfields...OK Checking phpvms_downloads...OK Checking phpvms_expenselog...OK Checking phpvms_expenses...OK Checking phpvms_fieldvalues...OK Checking phpvms_financedata...OK Checking phpvms_fuelprices...OK Checking phpvms_groupmembers...OK Checking phpvms_groups...OK Checking phpvms_navdata...OK Checking phpvms_news...OK Checking phpvms_pages...OK Checking phpvms_pilots...OK Checking phpvms_pirepcomments...OK Checking phpvms_pirepfields...OK Checking phpvms_pireps...OK Checking phpvms_pirepvalues...OK Checking phpvms_ranks...OK Checking phpvms_schedules...OK Checking phpvms_sessions...OK Checking phpvms_settings...OK Checking phpvms_updates...OK This is checkdb.php result. Sir very thanks for answering. I trying 2 different host. Than I contact my hosting. Host Says " problem your code". empty acars tabl, re install database but didn't work thanks sir
  6. phpVMS Virtual Airline Administration Software Install Check phpVMS Build Number: 934 Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.2.14.x ASP Tags [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [OK] No errors found! -- Checked 183 files, found 0 errors here is checkinstall. I solved schedules problem. But Xacars, Kacars, FSacars, don't send pirep. Always say database error
  7. No sir it's not free hosting.? All of them on payware hosting
  8. Hello everyone, I create two websites, using phpvms. First one is everything is okey. but i create second websites, didn't work anything. F.e.: I add schedules in admin panel. I add to bid. I don't see in view my bid section. And the other problem is ACARS, I using Kacars, Xacars, i send log, Always says: Data Base errors. I trying 3 times re-install, everything delete after install, but didn't work. I change hosting company but didn't work. Sorry for my bad english. Thank you for answering. Have a nice days Regards.
  9. How can i change automatic pilot id to manual pilot idç. E.g. in registration form add a line. And fill in the blank. The pilot, write own pilot id. How ican i do
  10. www.istanbulva.org
  11. thanks very very much. But didn't work registration form
  12. send to mail for you. thank you very much sir
  13. first thanks. I look registration tpl. And Delete "hub" and " select airline" line. Registration form don't work.
  14. Yes sir. I search.
  15. Thanks. And i ask for a new question. How can I remove "hub" and "select airline" section on registration form
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